Chapter 1218 Devil Boy (3)

"Then have you ever calculated that you will enter the eighteenth level of hell in the future and never be reborn?!" Su Wai Wai sneered and opened her lips.

What a scheming woman, under the guise of saving her own people, she drags so many people to suffer with her. She can't let this woman continue to commit crimes!

"Wai Wai, I expected that one day I would not die well. But I still hope to save all the clansmen. If you don't help me, you can take Xiaobai away. I'm not afraid to say, if you take Xiaobai away, I will Continue to harm others, until one day I-"

"How dare you?!" Su Waiwai rushed up to Ma Ruohan and growled at her.

"I'm hopeless. I've been crazy since I took the first step. I can tell you one thing for sure. I missed this opportunity. I don't know how many years I will have to wait for this one." And I will continue to find pregnant women, and continue to save my people in this way. And this matter, I believe you will remember it day and night in the future, because it is your decision today that prevents them from being saved!" Ma Ruohan showed a strange smile, and looked straight at Suwaiwai.

Su Wai Wai became angry from embarrassment, and was about to rush forward to tear Ma Ruohan's body into pieces, but Su Xiaoer held her aside and said, "Mother, Sister Xiaobai, let's go to the side to discuss."

"I'm going to crush this dead woman to ashes!!" Su Waiwai wanted to shake off Su Xiaoer's hand, but Su Xiaoer grabbed her arm tightly, showing no sign of letting go.

In the end, Su Xiaoer simply called the other three children of Su's family, asked them to help, and pulled Su Waiwai aside together.

Xiaobai, who was stunned in place, was also pulled together, as well as the succubus, planning to hold a small family meeting.

Su Waiwai usually presided over the family meeting, but since Su Waiwai was angry this time, Su Xiaoer presided over the meeting.

"What do you think of this matter?" Su Xiaoer looked at the crowd and asked.

Xiaosan was the first to raise her hand: "There is no room for me to intervene just now. But, I found one thing, this place does have a powerful force, and I felt it when I came in..."

"Nonsense, Xiaoqing, tell me." Su Xiaoer gave Xiaosan a cold look, and Xiaosan lowered her eyes guiltily at her chubby body.

This is indeed his feeling, he is not even allowed to tell the truth?

"I don't think it's useless for us to think about it. The key is to see Meng Boss and Xiaobai. After all, these are their children. If they don't succeed, their children will end up like that. But if we stand by and do nothing, how about those poor babies? Do it, can I only sleep in that cave for the rest of my life?" Xiaoqing said, panicking in her heart.

Xiao Ba was silent at the side, not knowing what to say.Because they are not Xiaobai and Dream Demon who are mothers, nor are they Su Waiwai who is already a mother, they cannot understand the psychology of a woman who is a mother.

"I know Xiaobai will definitely not agree, no one wants to bet their own child." Su Wai Wai replied in a deep voice.

Xiaobai didn't say anything, she got up and said, "I'll walk alone."

The Dream Demon wanted to follow, but Su Waiwai held her back and said, "She wants to walk alone, don't bother her, let her be quiet."

She knew that Xiaobai's heart was very entangled. On the one hand, there were so many other people's children.One is her darling. As a mother, Xiao Bai has every reason to withdraw from this perverted experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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