Chapter 1222 The Devil Child Comes into the World (1)

"Yeah, when Xiaobai has a baby, Boss Meng must take the baby away, and don't let the baby make trouble in our house." Xiaosan lowered her voice, afraid that Xiaobai would hear it, so she did the opposite.

"Then let her stay at Su's house, so that I can be free." The Dream Demon smiled with deep eyes.Thinking of the days of being stalked by Xiaobai before, I still have lingering fears now. In the future, Xiaobai will change his target, and he will be completely relieved. How happy?
Thinking about his own happy prospects, Dream Demon wished that Xiaobai would stop bothering him in the future.

The mistress in this room was worried, and Su Waiwai in that room was not idle.

She brought Xiaobai into the Realm of Last Dreams, and cooked a pot of potion with spiritual springs, medicinal materials and various spiritual herbs.She also added some messy treasures, thinking that this would save the baby.

Xiao Ba looked at it from the sidelines, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and clearly explained the serious relationship between them, so Su Waiwai stepped aside and asked Xiao Ba to help cook another pot of potion.

Xiao Ba is an expert in this field, and quickly made a pot of potion, let Xiao Bai take a bath with the potion, to enhance his own spiritual power, and also to increase the protection of the child.

Time passed quietly like this, Xiaobai took a bath with the medicine every day, he was full of energy, he looked very energetic, his face was rosy, and he knew that he was well nourished.

Her abdomen didn't move at all in the first two months, but in the next two months, her abdomen enlarged rapidly, and she soon had a big belly.

Su Wai Wai also asked Su Su to study the geological characteristics of Majia Village. According to Su Su, there is a strong magnetic field and force in Majia Village, which is what human beings cannot bear. A special area here in Majia Village.

Only by releasing this power, will there be a chance for all the villagers to return to normal, which coincides with Ma Ruohan's idea.

The birth of the devil boy is indeed conducive to the distribution of the powerful power of the region. Of course, the impact on the child is also immeasurable.

Su Waiwai himself doesn't have much confidence, but Ma Ruohan has full confidence in everyone in the Su family.

Since Xiaosi was able to enter and leave Majia Village smoothly, Ma Ruohan thought that Xiaobai could hide in Xiaosi's body when she gave birth in the future.

On this point, Su Wai Wai has no objection.

In addition, Su Waiwai and Meng Mo, as well as Xiaosan Xiaoqing and Su Xiaoer, there are so many people around to protect the law, which will give Xiaobai a little more security when giving birth.

"Wai Wai, I'm so scared." The day of giving birth is getting closer, and Xiao Bai is getting more and more uneasy.

At this time, she felt a little afraid, after all, this is her flesh and blood, she can't let him hurt anything, otherwise she will never forgive herself in this life.

"Don't worry, don't you still have me? You have full confidence in me, and you should have full confidence in yourself. And I think this child's vitality is very tenacious, and he will definitely be a healthy and cute baby in the future." Su Wai Wai clenched her hands tightly Xiaobai's hand, with a bright smile.

Xiaobai took a deep breath and looked at Suwaiwai uncertainly: "Are you sure?!"

"Very sure!! Don't worry, the delivery will definitely go smoothly, and you can help those poor children. In the future, the girl you give birth to will be the daughter-in-law of my Su Xiaoer." Su Waiwai replied with a smile.

Even if she doesn't have confidence, she can't tell Xiaobai. After all, this matter is a foregone conclusion. When she gets here, she can't look back and can only go forward bravely.

"Oh, I believe you, you must save my baby." Xiaobai felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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