Chapter 1233 "Turning" to drag the oil bottle (1)

Xiaosan heard the words and nodded in agreement: "It's not too late, let's go now!"

He also wants to go out to relax, Su's family is in turmoil right now, so he will leave early and pass birth early.

"Leave now? Is it too early? If the master sees it, we will definitely not be able to leave." Xiaoqing looked at Xiaosan blankly, and found that Xiaosan was more anxious than herself.

"Don't worry, the master only has that little devil in his eyes, even if we leave from under the master's nose, the master will not say a word." As soon as Xiaosan finished speaking, he saw Tongtong's devil coming up, The fleshy little hands were holding two bottles of Wu Zhuan Pill.

Without even thinking about it, Xiao San rushed to Tong Tong and snatched the five-turn pill from her hand.

Tongtong was stunned for a moment, and said in a childish voice: "This is the Dandan that Waiwai Niang gave me, brother Xiaosan can't take it."

Brother Xiaosan took Dandan away, so what would she eat and how would she grow her body?Only when he grows up quickly can he quickly marry the younger brother and be his daughter-in-law.

"This is the tonic that Xiaoqing and I take. Why do you snatch all our treasures when you come here?" Xiaosan said and poured the elixir into her mouth.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing rushed to Tongtong and rummaged through her pockets.Sure enough, as he expected, he was asked to dig out two more bottles of pills.

"Brother Xiaoqing, what do you want to do to snatch Tongtong's Dandan?" Tongtong blinked his big round eyes, watching the two spirit beast brothers gobble up the Dandan in puzzlement. The way they ate Dandan was so scary.

"Damn girl, since you came, I haven't even had a chance to smell the elixir. I miss this smell so much. It's this smell. I dream about it..." Xiaosan wiped her tears while eating, feeling that the life of the beast It's just that no one's life is good.

The little thing in front of him was raised by Su Wai Wai to become fat and fat, just like a piglet.He and Xiaoqing are getting thinner and thinner, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as skinny.

This is the inhumane Su family, the inhumane Suwaiwai only has Tongtong in his eyes.

"Tongtong is called Tongtong, not a dead girl." Tongtong looked at Xiaosan and Xiaoqing resentfully, they ate her snacks, which were delicious, and asked these two spirit beast brothers to eat them all, then what does she eat
"Damn girl, let's go, remember don't miss me and Xiaoqing too much!" Xiaosan felt that she had to save some pills, so she slapped Tongtong vigorously, and then dragged Xiaoqing away from Su's house, and went to Xiuxianmen and go.

They didn't miss it this time, they just wanted to get some fresh air outside.

Unexpectedly, the two ran for two hours, and suddenly found that something was wrong behind them.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan stopped at the same time, looked back uncertainly, and saw a round and round little girl standing not far behind them, waving her fleshy lotus root arms at them: "Brother Xiaoqing, brother Xiaosan, wait Wait for Tongtong!!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other and slapped each other at the same time. They exclaimed in pain and realized that they were not dreaming. Tongtong's oil bottle followed them and ran away from home? !

"Xiaoqing, let's run faster!" Xiaosan said in a low voice.

Xiaoqing asked uncertainly: "But that guy is so young, what if someone kidnaps him?"

"Don't worry, if someone is abducted, the trafficker must be unlucky. This guy can still live a good life. If he doesn't run away now, when will he wait?!" After finishing speaking, Xiao San ran forward desperately.

Xiaoqing felt like he was in a hurry, soaring into the air in a hurry, while he was flying, he looked back...

(End of this chapter)

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