Chapter 1247 Worship, the bridal chamber (1)

Xiaosan looked at the snickering Xiaoqing with a bitter face, why did everyone say that he was ugly, and Su Waiwai asked him to be her bridegroom, just because of this, would he be easy to bully? !
"Xiao San, no spirit beast has the opportunity to pay homage to its master. This is a blessing you cultivated in your previous life." Xiao Qing moved closer to Xiao San, smiling uncontrollably.

If Xiaosan can marry such a beautiful woman as Su Waiwai, it will also be Xiaosan's blessing.

"It's true. Well, Boss Bei won't be the bridegroom, I'll take his place!" Xiao Sanxiong replied angrily, feeling that there was nothing to quarrel about.

He was used to being bullied by Su Wai Wai, one day Su Wai Wai suddenly changed his mind, and being so kind to him proved that his luck was improving.

When the auspicious time came, Xiaosan found that she hadn't put on her wedding gown yet, she hurriedly looked at Xiaoqing and asked, "I haven't put on my wedding gown yet, how can I just go out to worship like this, it's unlucky!"

Su Xiaoer's footsteps stopped when he heard the words, turned to look at Xiaosan, and replied in a low voice: "Xiaosan, you are just a stand-in, not the protagonist, but with your body shape, you can't even wear a wedding robe. Let's go, It’s not good if the auspicious time is missed.”

Xiaosan immediately had a bitter face, and whispered: "Isn't this discrimination against spirit beasts?!"

People wear wedding gowns when they worship, why doesn't he have one?It's not fair to look down on him at all! !

Xiaosan angrily followed behind the crowd, and found that Su Waiwai was not in front of her, and felt more and more that the groom was boring.

When everyone saw Xiaosan leading Su Waiwai, who was covered with a hipa, out to worship, the big guys looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't expect Su Waiwai to use Xiaosan as a stand-in.

If Bei Yueluo didn't show up, would it be possible that Su Wai Wai would really want to marry Xiao San? !
Everyone was discussing, Su Wai Wai lifted her hipa and looked in the direction where An An was. It was obvious that it was a matter of getting her married.

Seeing that the situation had been settled, An An couldn't retreat at this moment, so she cleared her throat immediately and said crisply: "The marriage ceremony has begun, please take your seats."

She deliberately prolonged her voice, hoping that Bei Yueluo would arrive in time, but her slow voice had no effect, and there was no abnormal movement around her.In desperation, An An had no choice but to continue.

"Worship to the high hall!!"

Suwaiwai pulled Xiaosan to kneel down, but Xiaosan stood still, shaking her head and said: "Master, don't do this, we can't get married, I don't want to be enslaved by the master!"

"Don't you think it is a very happy thing to be enslaved by me? Especially tonight, I will enslave you well and let you have a bridal chamber wedding night that you will never forget." Pa looked at Xiaosan beside him.

Even through a hipa, Xiao San could feel the malicious intent in Su's crooked eyes.

This is really going to be a marriage, and he will never want to live in the future.But Su Wai Wai said that he was right, even if he wanted to ruin the marriage, it would be impossible, right? !
"That, that, can you let me think about it for another quarter of an hour, just a quarter of an hour?" Xiaosan said while looking around, suddenly felt a coolness on her neck, as if she wanted to take off his head, because he You shouldn't marry Su Wai Wai, let alone consummate the marriage with Su Wai Wai.

"What do you think?!" After Su Waiwai finished speaking, he kicked Xiao San's buttocks, and Xiao San leaned forward uncontrollably. Just as he was about to kneel down, his body rose into the air and was instantly pulled Far away, away from the wedding scene...

(End of this chapter)

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