Chapter 1258 Shocking Change: Lost Spiritual Energy

"Mother's complexion is very uncomfortable. Mother has conceived a baby, and the aura before the bridal chamber is still abundant, and now there is no trace of aura on the mother's body at all!" Su Xiaoer looked at Su Waiwai carefully, if there was something Think authentically.

Su Waiwai touched his face, and dropped his shoulders: "I finally know that Master is not joking. Master and I cannot consummate the room. The consummation not only arouses the demonic nature in Master's body, but also makes him almost become another person. The spiritual energy in my body was also sucked away by the master. Damn it, I am reaping the consequences of myself, and now I have to find a way to remedy it!"

"If Master knew that Mother's body would be affected, why did he hold on to Mother so tightly?" Su Xiaoer suddenly thought of a possibility, and couldn't help shivering.

Su Waiwai was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Su Xiaoer in disbelief.

At this time Xiaosan came over and said: "The current Boss Bei can do anything. He deliberately took away the aura in Master's body in this way. He doesn't want Master to be a fairy!"

"Why did master do this? All along, he has been silently waiting for me, why did he suddenly change?" Su Wai Wai opened his lips in a hoarse voice, unable to figure out what went wrong.

Bei Yueluo knew that she wanted to ascend successfully and become a beautiful fairy, so she always encouraged her.For her sake, he even self-destructed his primordial spirit and gave her a magical artifact.Fortunately, she managed to conceive a baby successfully, but Bei Yueluo rashly took away the spiritual energy in her body.

That's right, if Bei Yueluo took away her aura, would it hurt the Nascent Soul in her womb? !
It's a pity that she can't see through her body with her spiritual sense, the only person she can ask is Susu.

"Su Su, can you hear me?" Su Wai Wai asked loudly to her stomach.

Susu didn't respond, Su Waiwai yelled more than a dozen times uncertainly, but still didn't respond at all.

"It's all my own fault, what should I do now? By the way, Peach Blossom..." Su Wai Wai hurriedly returned to the Space of the Last Dream.

She went to the peach blossom tree, and saw that the formerly white peach blossoms were now as bright red as blood, and the blood-red petals floated down from the branches one after another, and fell on top of her head, like a weeping heart.

She felt inexplicably sad, and familiar scenes appeared before her eyes.

A man in white was playing a jade flute with her on his back. The tune was melodious, but also sad.

She listened intently, until the man in white finished playing, but she heard him open his lips quietly: "How much is life, the most love peach blossoms are like snow, and the most afraid of peach blossoms are like snow..."

The face of the woman sitting under the white peach blossom tree became clearer and clearer. She had a charming face, her beauty was as beautiful as water, and she looked at the man's back with tenderness. The voice opened his lips: "To be happy in life is to be full of joy. The moon falls, we will not be separated in this life, and we will not be separated in the next life, until the world is destroyed..."

"Mother, mother?!" Su Xiaoer's voice awakened Su Waiwai's thoughts.

She widened her beautiful eyes suddenly, and broke free from the illusion just now.

She murmured: "I, I saw some pictures, the woman has the same face as mine, but she is more beautiful than me, with better temperament, and more gentle when she speaks."

If there is no accident, she must have recalled some scenes in her previous life when she was the Peach Blossom Fairy, right?

In the past, she always felt that Peach Blossom Fairy was far away from her, and she never felt that she was the reincarnation of Peach Blossom Fairy. It wasn't until the real scene just before her eyes that she was sure that she was Peach Blossom Fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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