Chapter 1261 No more skin-to-skin kisses

"This method is inappropriate. If I leave Master, no one will care about Master. Maybe it will interfere with the operation of the devil in my father's body, and speed up the pace of his becoming a demon god. Yes, master, do you know why my master has devil in his body? Is it?" Su asked with a straight face.

She couldn't figure out why Bei Yueluo also came to the Heavenly Court and became a fairy after the Peach Blossom Fairy ascended in her previous life. Is there any allusion to this?
The folk legend about the Peach Blossom Fairy only ends when the Peach Blossom Fairy ascends into the sky, Beiyue falls to death and turns into a peach blossom tree.

As for what happened afterwards, it is impossible for ordinary people to know.

Xuan Su shook his head: "These are all secrets. If you want to know the inside story, you may still have to remember the past by yourself."

Su Wai Wai was a little discouraged when she heard the words, she knew it was okay to ask Xuan Su and Xuan Wu, after all, the two masters didn't know as much as she did.

At the moment when Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai was thinking about something, a woman came towards him, but it was Mo Xin'er.

Seeing Mo Xin'er, Su Wai Wai's eyes lit up, and suddenly remembered that Mo Xin'er's grandfather was very capable.

"Xin'er, you came just in time. Are you free now, can you take me to find your grandfather?" Su Waiwai ran to Mo Xin'er and asked with burning eyes.

Mo Xin'er laughed: "Of course. My grandpa often mentions you, let's go." She said, her eyes fixed on Su Wai Wai's too bright little face.

"Wai Wai, why did you become a little..." Mo Xin'er was speechless, not knowing whether to express her feelings.

Su Waiwai should have an aura that is compelling, but the current Su Waiwai is just the opposite. She is too gorgeous and beautiful, and she seems to be a different person from before.

"I know, it's become a bit of a monster, right? It's thanks to my master. Let's go, let's talk as we walk." Su Wai Wai pulled Mo Xin'er, and explained the reason for her change.

At the same time, this was also the reason why she was looking for Mo Lao.

She herself had lost her direction and didn't know how to proceed.

"It turned out to be like this. Grandpa knows a lot, maybe asking my grandpa can help you." Only then did Mo Xin'er realize the reason, quickened her pace, and went to Mo's house with Su Waiwai.

Mo's house is not far from Xiuxianmen, and they traveled fast, they arrived at Mo's house in just an hour.

Mo Lao seemed to know that Su Wai Wai would come, so he had already waited in the living room.

"Girl, I knew you would come in a few days." Mr. Mo was not surprised to see Su Waiwai, and said with a smile.

Su Waiwai laughed and replied: "Then Grandpa must have a way to save me!"

"You think too highly of me. What can I do as an old man, the most I can do is tell you the way. You don't have to walk the road ahead." Mo Lao replied with a smile.I like to hear Su Wai Wai call him Grandpa.

Su Waiwai was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief: "Grandpa knows what happened to me, and also knows the solution to these things?"

"I know a little bit. As for whether the solution is feasible or not, that's another matter." The smile on Mo Lao's face gradually subsided, and he corrected his complexion.

Su Waiwai looked at it with horror, but felt that it was expected.As Mr. Mo said, some roads have to be walked by oneself. Whether one can walk a broad road is another matter.

"First of all, you have to make sure that you can no longer have skin-to-skin contact with the Immortal Venerable. When you and him are not together, this will ensure that his demonic nature will not deepen..."

(End of this chapter)

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