Chapter 1265: Separation (4)

"Wai Wai, there is no way for you to escape like this. Master will come to you sooner or later." An An looked at the woman lying on her bed, and only wanted her to leave quickly.

This woman didn't even think about who Bei Yuedong was and how capable he was.If he was looking for someone, could that person escape?
At this moment, someone opened the door and entered. It was the mistress who had gone back to Su's small courtyard to inquire about news.

Xiaosan directly "rolled" to the front of the couch, panting and said: "Master, I found that my spiritual power has also declined. Has the master noticed that I have become a monster?!"

"It's more like a monster." Su Waiwai looked at the ugly and bubbling spirit beast in front of him, and had to say that it was not easy for Xiao San to grow up like this.

Xiaosan coughed lightly, intending not to care about this ignorant woman like Su Wai Wai.

He corrected his expression and said: "That's right, I heard about Boss Bei. Boss Bei saw me poking my head, and directly grabbed me and told me that the master should go home quickly. There are at most two quarters of an hour left, otherwise Boss Bei will come by himself." Arrest. The master can figure it out himself!"

Su Waiwai was extremely annoyed, grabbed the pillow on the bed and shook it hard twice, and said angrily: "Which one can bear, which one can't bear!!"

Is there any mistake? She is just married to Bei Yueluo, and she is not his slave. If he wants her to go back, she will go back. Wouldn't she lose face? !

"That's right, master, let's fight against the evil forces, I like to see the master and Boss Bei make a family rebellion!" Xiaosan booed from the side.This Su family just can't be peaceful, and a big problem can happen in the bridal chamber.

Su Xiaoer kicked Xiaosan, pushed him away and said, "Mother, don't listen to Xiaosan's nonsense, don't show your loyalty for a while. Mother, don't forget that you have a great responsibility, and you must guide Master on the right track."

Su Wai Wai heard the words, and looked straight at Su Xiaoer.This child and Bei Yueluo seemed to be carved out of the same mold, and when they saw him, they would think of Bei Yueluo.

If he came forward, could Bei Yueluo, a father like Bei Yueluo, have a little paternal love?

Thinking of this, Su Waiwai jumped to the bed and wanted to put on her shoes, but Su Xiaoer rushed to serve her and helped her put on the embroidered shoes.

"You are so cute, it's not good to be too sensible, you can always make me cry." Su Wai Wai looked at Su Xiaoer foolishly, thinking that this child was the most obedient child in the world.

Su Xiaoer couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, and helped Su Waiwai put on her shoes before replying: "Mother, did you think of a way?"

Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer's little hand: "From now on, you will sleep with me."

As long as Su Xiaoer sleeps with her, she will be safe.Besides, if Bei Yueluo wanted to be strong, she could ask Su Xiaoer to block her.Now she has no ability, so she can only find the best helper, Su Xiaoer is their biological child, and it is perfect for him to stop Bei Yueluo from doing wrong things.

"That's a good idea, let's do it this way." An An just wanted to leave her house quickly, so as not to attract that big tiger Bei Yueluo.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" After saying that, Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer's hand and went to the small courtyard of Su's house.

Escaping is not the solution, sooner or later you have to face Bei Yue Luo.

With the four small guards of Su's family, Su Waiwai strode forward, and she saw the man in red standing in front of the courtyard from a distance.What a peerless evildoer, I have to say that Bei Yueluo was very successful even in being an evildoer, and he wasn't annoying at all.

(End of this chapter)

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