Chapter 1282 Ascension: Immortal Venerable as God Venerable (2)

"At that time, I must have confidence in my heart, and I won't be afraid." Su Wai Wai leaned happily in Bei Yue Luo's arms, smiling uncontrollably.

If you can embrace Bei Yueluo for a lifetime like this, it should be happiness, right?In the past, she always felt that having sex all day was very nasty, but now, she only hoped that such happy times could last longer.


"Master is leaving?" Su Waiwai turned her eyes to look at Bei Yueluo's elegant and handsome face, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, and she couldn't help kissing him on the cheek.

"In the past, I always thought you were a dull girl who didn't understand the world, but now I know you're not." Bei Yueluo reciprocated, and kissed her tender face once.

Su Wai Wai smiled: "I know too much. I think I know why Master always said that the time has not come. Master can penetrate the world, but still can't get out of his own disaster. Master's disaster is mine, right? ?”

Looking across Bei Yueluo's eyes, her snow-white long hair fluttered in the wind, hitting Su Wai Wai's tender cheeks, making her face itchy.

She finally pushed Bei Yueluo's white hair away, and soon it fell on her face again, making her want to laugh.

"I'm about to ascend as a teacher. In fact, I know that with you here, the chance of becoming a demon as a teacher is very small. But if you are not a demon, you are a god. Of the two, I prefer the former, at least not I need to separate from you. Wai Wai, you have to be strong, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait too long, and I will go directly to the lower realms and bring you to the God Realm!" Bei Yueluo said with a serious expression.

Su Wai Wai was startled for a while.She expected that Bei Yueluo would leave the world, but she never expected that Bei Yueluo would directly turn Feidu into a god.

"But I'm just a little monk. Even if I conceive a baby, I can only become a fairy. That is to say, even if I go to the fairy world, I can't see the master, right?" Su asked in a hoarse voice, and suddenly found himself After working for a long time, I will be busy for nothing.

Not only Su Xiaoer will become a god in the future, even her favorite man will also go to the God Realm.Even if she arrives in the fairy world, she can't be with her two favorite men, how tragic is that?

Bei Yueluo laughed, tapped her crooked nose and said, "Who knows, there may be a miracle. You just need to know that if you practice hard, we will meet again soon."

Su Wai Wai nodded hoarsely: "I will work hard. Will there be many beauties in the God Realm? Will the master transfer his love to others when he sees beauties?"

She didn't want to meet a bunch of beauties then.

"As a teacher, I have never been to the God Realm. I don't know how the God Realm is. However, as a teacher, I have great rights in the God Realm. I was promoted from a fairy to a god. Girl, it's all thanks to you." Bei Yueluo smiled Jokingly, pinching Su's crooked delicate nose lightly.

Su Waiwai was not happy at all, God Venerable, it sounds really powerful.She thought that Bei Yueluo would be a little god at most, who would have thought that going directly from a fairy to a god would be scary, wouldn't it?

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have worked so hard that day. In fact, it's good for Master to be like this. White hair looks weird, and most women don't look up to Master." Su Waiwai said as he straightened Bei Yueluo's face, After looking carefully, I found that the white-haired Beiyueluo had another style, so good-looking that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

The sudden sense of crisis made her a little entangled, so she simply hugged Bei Yueluo's wide waist tightly.
Jiubaner has opened a new article, the second of the hilarious article series "Hilarious Beast Concubine", urgently needs relatives to pack and support wow, super funny, super explosive, super heavy taste wow, the following is the introduction:
As a special soldier, she dressed as a hot police officer, and once fell in love with the cruelest emperor in history.The consequences are: first, a 55-word confession letter; second, compensation for mental damage of [-]; The principle of "the winner is king, and the loser warms the house" will be followed to the end.One day the tyrant was handcuffed to the dragon couch, and afterwards a woman picked her teeth and made a concluding statement: "The taste of the dragon body is very ordinary..."

(End of this chapter)

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