Chapter 1296 Hue is written on the face of the dragon
Xiaosan was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses, thinking that she should first be a male creature like Xiaoqing who dares to sleep with a friend's woman.

Because of this incident, Xiaosan was despised by Su's family, and no one wanted to talk to him.

It wasn't until he confessed his mistake to Su Wai Wai that Su Wai Wai was willing to talk to him.

It was night, and Su Wai Wai's family left the emperor's bedroom in an orderly manner.

Su Waiwai was about to go to sleep, Xia Hou ordered someone to come to her, saying that he wanted to discuss with her the details of donating dragon blood, so Su Waiwai had to make this trip.

"Looking for the master's mother in the middle of the night, Boss Xia must have malicious intentions. If the master's mother goes there, she will send the sheep to the tiger's mouth." Xiaoqing said hurriedly.

Others also held the same opinion, Su Waiwai felt that this was reasonable, and ordered the maid to reply, saying that they would come back to discuss this important matter tomorrow.

Not long after, the palace maid went and came back, and Xia Hou's oral order came, saying that it was too late to wait, if we discuss it again tomorrow, Su Wai Wai would not want to get his dragon's blood.

In desperation, Su Wai Wai had no choice but to go to Xia Hou's bedroom.

I saw several beautiful concubines in the room, who were surrounding Xia Hou and showing their courtesies. When they saw her coming, the concubines looked at her whole body with critical eyes, and their eyes were full of disdain.

"Waiwai is here, sit down quickly." Seeing Su Waiwai, Xia Hou's eyes lit up, he went to Su Waiwai attentively, and pulled her to sit down at the wine table.

Xia Hou filled the cup with good wine, smiled and opened his lips: "Woman, try the old daughter red, the fragrance of the wine is overflowing, and the fragrance is lingering on the teeth and cheeks, it is very delicious."

Su Waiwai looked at the wine in the glass with embarrassment, "It stinks, I'm not interested in this thing. Xia Hou, let's get down to business, don't you want to donate dragon blood?" body, better not to drink.

"Let's donate dragon blood slowly, don't rush, let's drink first. If you don't drink, you will look down on me." Xia Hou said, passing the wine glass to Su Wai Wai's lips, staring at the other's red wine with burning eyes. Without letting go of the lips, the hue is written on the dragon's face.

Su Waiwai couldn't bear Xia Hou's enthusiasm, took the wine glass, touched his lips meaningly, and said: "Okay, after drinking, let's discuss..."

"You have to drink a whole glass to be sincere. If you are so perfunctory, I can't see your sincerity in asking for dragon's blood." Xia Hou said dissatisfiedly, looking at the glass of wine just now pointedly.

He wanted to dismiss him without taking half a sip. Does he look so easy to deceive?

Suwaiwai, this woman can lie to other people, but it is very rare to want to lie to him.

"But I don't know how to drink. Well, I'll find someone to drink." As soon as Su Wai Wai finished speaking, Xiao Qing strode into the room.

When all the concubines saw such a big blue dragon suddenly appearing, they were so frightened that they jumped up and screamed coquettishly. They all hid behind Xia Hou, acted like a baby to him, and even hugged his wide waist tightly: "The emperor , the concubine is so scared..."

Xia Hou's face darkened, he rudely pushed his "loved concubines" away, and said angrily, "Get out of here!!" It would ruin his good business with Su Wai Wai, these women are disgusting.

Seeing Xiahou losing his temper, Zhongmei was no longer happy and did not dare to stay any longer, so they all left the dormitory.

"Wai Wai, look at me, I've repelled all the idlers on my side, shouldn't you show something?" Xia Hou said, looking at Xiao Qing pointedly.

"I don't have any idlers here, Xiaoqing is just a background, you just need to ignore him." Su said crookedly, and put the wine to the lips of the "set".

(End of this chapter)

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