Chapter 1301 The Scary Su Family
"Strange, how do you know we are from the Su family?" Xiaosan stepped forward and asked curiously.

The guard glanced at the ugly mistress, thinking that even a fool would know that the Su family has a particularly ugly spirit beast, right?How dare you ask such a shameless question.

"Stupid Xiaosan, don't say you are from my Su family, who doesn't know that you are the spirit beast of Su's family with your face like this?" Su Waiwai dragged Xiaosan behind him.

The guy who gave birth to Xiaosan was so thick-skinned that he thought he was the reincarnation of Pan An.

And she just suddenly discovered a very tragic fact, Xiaosan, the ugliest spirit beast, began to represent their family.Will this lead people in the world into a misunderstanding, thinking that everyone in their Su family is as ugly as Xiaosan?
You know, Xiaoba is a handsome young man, very good-looking.

"I'm the face of Su's family, can't the master treat me a little bit better?" Xiaosan stared at Su Waiwai resentfully, and hugged her slender waist.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoer hurriedly pulled Xiaosan aside, and reprimanded him solemnly: "Is my mother something you can hug?"

"The little master's mother is the same as Xiaosan's mother, what's wrong with a son holding his mother?" Xiaosan gave Su Xiaoer a contemptuous look.

Being with Su Wai Wai, getting closer also gives me a sense of security.

Su Waiwai saw that Xiaosan was talking endlessly, and said loudly: "Shut up!!"

Xiaosan really shut up, looked at Su Waiwai puzzledly, endured it for a while, he really wanted to ask a question, but Su Waiwai said: "Xiaosan, you are not allowed to speak again without my permission, every time You are crooked!"

"What is crooked building?" Xiaosan asked curiously.

The rest of the Su family also looked at Su Waiwai curiously.

"Wailou, that's what I meant when I said this, and you said that, seriously digressing. Now, shut up!" Su Waiwai said and went to the guard, showing a beautiful smile: "Brother, you know that I Who is it?"

The guards didn't look sideways.Su Wai Wai has such a big background, it's hard for him not to know, right?

"I am a peach blossom fairy. I will be a fairy in the future. My son is the son of a god. I will be a god in the future. You said that you have offended the gods and gods. If you are reincarnated in the future, you may be a pig. You are sure that you will end up in the next life." Such a tragic end?" Su asked again with a smile.

The guard walked away from Su Wai Wai without any trace, and replied sternly: "Miss Su, I'm sorry, you can't enter the palace!"

He can't help it, he knows how powerful the woman in front of him is, but he can only obey the current emperor.

If you have nothing in this life, how can you count on the next life?

"Okay, after I enter the palace later, I will definitely read you a copy in front of Xia Hou, and let you rectify you on the spot..." After Su Waiwai finished speaking, she flew up and flew into the palace wall.

It's just a small palace wall, these guards are overthinking themselves, thinking that this can stop her, they are so stupid.

Xiaosan also triumphantly jumped onto the guard's shoulder, stomped on him a few times before saying: "You're so stupid, it's self-defeating to fight against the master. My master wants to deal with someone, and that person will definitely end up in a very miserable end!"

Xiaoqing directly opened Dalong's mouth, and sprayed foul air at the guard.

Su Xiaoer, who was sitting on Xiaoqing's body, slapped the guard's head hard with the back of his broken sword.

As for Xiaoba, he grabbed Xiaoqing's dragon tail and said to the guards: "I'll tell you the truth, brother, if you fight against my master, you're asking for your own death."

(End of this chapter)

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