Chapter 136 The Moving Home: The Space of the Last Dream 9
"Wow..." Su Waiwai and Su Xiaoer exclaimed at the same time.

I saw that the room was shining brightly, and it turned out to be a golden house.

Su Waiwai has always loved money, when he saw gold, his eyes lit up, and he almost pounced on it.

"Mother, we're not here to pick gold, and it's useless to ask for these things." Su Xiaoer grabbed Su Waiwai's arm in time.

Su Waiwai looked at Jin Jin and sighed: "What's the use of cultivating immortals? Apart from being able to live a long life, even my favorite money can only be seen and not eaten."

Su Xiaoer walked forward and opened another door, only to find all kinds of artifacts inside.

Su Xiaoer liked it very much, he wanted to pick up a big knife.But the big knife was too heavy, and he was too small to lift it.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai hit Su Xiaoer on the head with a chestnut, and joked: "You are small, but you have a big heart. You have to do what you can. Son, use this knife."

Su Waiwai saw an exquisite and interesting kitchen knife, and played with it in his hand without saying a word.

Su Xiaoer jumped a long way when he heard the words: "I don't want it, this kitchen knife is too ugly, it's not suitable for Yushu Linfeng's Su Xiaoer!"

"Yu Shu facing the wind?" Su Wai Wai scanned Su Xiao Er's whole body with contemptuous eyes, making no effort to hide his disdain for this word.

"If your mother likes it, then you can keep it to yourself." Su Xiaoer hurried away.

His old mother was right, he shouldn't be too big on his mind, he has to do what he can, it's better to choose a light long sword.

There are shining swords everywhere, and it seems that any one of them is a good thing, which makes him dazzled...

"Son, hurry up, the door is about to be closed." Su Waiwai saw that the Shimen was about to be closed, and hurriedly said loudly.

In a hurry, Su Xiaoer wanted to grab the sword closest to him, but he moved too much, and all the swords fell to the ground, so he reached out to pick up one, and hurried out of the stone gate before he could take a closer look.

The moment they jumped out of the sword room, the stone door closed in response.

Su Wai Wai held the kitchen knife she had chosen, and Su Xiao's second-hand...

"Su Xiaoer, my vision is a little bit better than yours." Su Waiwai took over the broken sword in Su Xiao's second hand.

Su Xiaoer's vision was as unique as hers, and she actually picked a handful of broken copper and rotten iron.

Seeing Su Xiaoer's silly appearance, he thought she was struck by lightning, she looks silly and cute, very cute.

Su Waiwai hugged Su Xiaoer's small face and kissed twice, and Su Xiaoer came back to his senses: "Mother, I don't want this one. Somehow, this is what I got. Can I not want it?"

"It's wrong for you to judge a sword by its appearance like this. Since you have chosen it among thousands of swords, it proves that you are destined for it. The destiny you sent up by yourself is the will of God, and you must not go against the sky." Su Wai He shook his head and replied.

"Then our cultivation of immortals is against the heavens. Since we are against the heavens, should we still cultivate immortals?" Su Xiaoer asked cleverly.

"Stinky boy, you are just not cute. You should say, what mother said is too right." Su said crookedly, throwing the broken sword and kitchen knife into the space of Nocturnal Dreams.

Xiaoqing, who was dozing off, was knocked straight, and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing: "Like a mother, like a son, they specialize in picking up scraps of copper and iron. Those who don't know think they're picking up scraps. The Space of Last Dream is rubbish. house."

He muttered a little, yawned, and continued to sleep soundly.

The two mother and son continued to look for the so-called treasure while eating the green fruit.Looking at it all the way, nothing caught my eye, until they walked into a study room, the two stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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