Chapter 1400 Horror: The Five Treasures of the Su Family Made Out of Nowhere

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing had a great time fighting, and they were unwilling to let each other go until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

The two beasts were having a great time rolling together, Xiaosan rewarded Xiaoqing with a punch, Xiaoqing gasped in pain: "Stop hitting, I heard a strange sound."

"If you can't beat me, you're going to play tricks, Xiaoqing, is this what you're capable of? I look down on you, very much!" Xiaosan said sarcastically.

"I really heard the sound, and it was a very strange sound." Xiaoqing turned to look at the source of the sound.

Not to mention Xiaoqing, this time Xiaoba and Su's mother and son also heard strange voices. When a yellow spirit beast appeared from the yellow forest, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Xiaoqing, this spirit beast looks like you!" Xiao Ba looked at the spirit beast for a long time before finding his own voice.

"It's funny, this thing is so ugly, how can it look like me?! Am I as ugly as it is!" Xiaoqing replied angrily, but her eyes were fixed on the yellow spirit beast.

For some reason, it felt like looking in a mirror, except that the other party was yellow all over, and he was a green dragon.

Just as everyone was staring at the yellow spirit beast in a daze, there was another beast roar.

Everyone looked and saw a little yellow boy walking out.When everyone saw the young boy's face clearly, they exclaimed in unison, this young boy has a face exactly like Su Xiaoer's.

"Everyone, be careful, this place is very evil!!" Seeing that something was wrong, Su Waiwai hurriedly got everyone together.

As soon as she finished speaking, a young man exactly like Xiao Ba appeared behind the golden boy, that man was still yellow all over.

"What kind of broken place is this?!" Xiaosan was so frightened that she tightened Suwaiwai's waist, thankfully there was no spirit beast that looked like her.

"Little San, relax, maybe it's just our hallucination?" Su Waiwai wanted to break Xiao San's hand, but Xiao San held her tight.

At this time, a woman appeared.This woman looks exactly the same as Su Wai Wai, except that the other party is also yellow, from hair to feet, are golden yellow.

Su Waiwai's scalp felt numb when he saw it, and he always felt that the extremely beautiful Qianye Mountain just now had a very evil feeling.

"Fortunately, there is no other me..." Just as Xiaosan finished speaking, a fat and ugly spirit beast appeared.It is also yellow and uglier than the little three beasts.

"It's over, let's leave quickly? This place is evil, how did the little master find this ghost place?" Xiaosan asked Su Xiaoer resentfully.

Su Xiaoer laughed when he heard the words: "It is clear that you said that Qianye Mountain is interesting, and that you chose this place as the first stop."

"No, it's clearly the little master's idea." Xiaosan quibbled.

"What are you arguing about, shut up!" Su Wai Wai yelled at Xiao San.

"The master is biased, protecting the little master." Xiaosan looked at Su Waiwai displeasedly, feeling that the bias was too obvious, and he refused to accept it.

Su Waiwai didn't bother to pay attention to the naive little San, looked at Xiao Ba and asked, "Xiao Ba, what do you think of this situation? Why do they look the same as us? If we kill them, is it equivalent to killing ourselves? "

"I think they can't be killed even if they want to. They may have the same ability as us." Xiao Ba said thoughtfully, this kind of situation is unheard of.

I don't know what kind of situation Qianye Mountain is like, has such a strange scene appeared before.It's just that before they came here, they had never heard of such a thing happening.

(End of this chapter)

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