Chapter 1409 Peach Blossom Fairy (3)

"Don't laugh, I'm communicating with Peach Blossom Fairy, she might be able to hear me." Su gave a stern look at the fourth youngest of Su's family.

She was doing business, but these people thought she was joking.

"My mother has my mother's way of doing things, and it's very effective. Don't laugh, you have to learn a little bit." Su Xiaoer looked at the other third, and corrected his words.

"Yes!" The little ones didn't dare to object, they held back their smiles and watched how Su Waiwai communicated with Peach Blossom Fairy.

Seeing that everyone stopped quarreling with her, Su Waiwai sat down beside the dead tree to rest her legs, and said, "Peach Blossom Fairy, let's have a discussion. The relationship between you and Master is dead, and now he is my man. I don't have to You got into Master's body and got Master's heart, if you come out, don't grab Master from me, okay?"

As soon as she said this, the four members of the Su family looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this saving Peach Blossom Fairy, or robbing a man?
"Of course, if you want to snatch it, that's your freedom. I'm just telling you, I'm actually a very strong rival in love." Su Waiwai said, turning her eyes, she leaned closer to the dead tree and said, "You just say something, How can I save you?!"

The four children of Su's family only said that Su Waiwai's method didn't work at all, they watched the fun from the sidelines, joking and laughing from time to time.

At this moment, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded: "What's your name?"

The woman's voice was soft and sweet, and everyone's bones were broken when they heard this voice.

Su Waiwai couldn't help sighing: "Even if I live a few more lives, it's impossible for me to have such a nice voice."

Xiao San kicked Su Wai Wai, and Su Wai Wai came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "My name is Su Wai Wai. The name doesn't sound very nice, but it's interesting, right?"

"Your name sounds nice and interesting." The woman replied, her voice was as sweet as water.

"You are the one who won the award. You are the legendary Peach Blossom Fairy, right? You knew it was me when I first came to Qianye Mountain, right?" Su Wai Wai asked curiously.

"There is one thing you are wrong. Wai Wai, you are the Peach Blossom Fairy. I can feel you when you come here, and I keep you in this way because I want you to save the 2000 people from the Chiba Sect who were imprisoned by me. People, they are also trapped, for more than 2000 years." The woman said softly.

"You mean, you don't want to come out? Why?! Don't you think it's boring for you to be trapped in the dead tree? I know, you are the real peach blossom fairy, and I am not." Su said with a correct expression.

After thinking about it, she added: "If you don't want to rob Master from me, then you can rest assured. If the person Master likes is you, I won't get in the way."

Actually speaking, she is the third party, because Fairy Peach Blossom and Bei Yueluo are the couple of gods and couples. They are destined to marry each other, and she has been late for many years, so it shouldn't be her turn anyway.

"Speaking stupidly. As I said, you are me, and I am you. You are made by me, and Yue Luo and I are destined to be together. No matter when, I can't be with him. This is The reason why I created you, I want you to help me fulfill my long-cherished wish, continue to love him for me..." The woman said slowly.

Su Wai Wai was stunned for a while, and asked in puzzlement: "What do you mean you made me?!"

She clearly traveled from modern times, how did Peach Blossom Fairy make her?
(End of this chapter)

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