Chapter 1411 Peach Blossom Fairy (5)

"I didn't expect that I could cause trouble in Qianye Mountain. I actually implicated the Qianye Sect. All of them were trapped in these trees. I tried to save them, but it's a pity that my current immortal energy is too weak , now I count on you." Peach Blossom Fairy avoided the question and shifted to the main topic.

"What should I do?!" Su Wai Wai replied with a straight face.

"Wai Wai, you feed me with your own blood, your blood is my blood, your aura is mine, I am one with you, you can help me recover my immortal energy and mana."

As soon as Peach Blossom Fairy finished speaking, Su Wai Wai cut her finger.

Her blood dripped on the dead wood. The moment the dead wood was stained with blood, it became lush and lush, and quickly grew leaves. After that, a tree of white peach blossoms bloomed.

Everyone "wow" in unison in amazement.

Immortals are immortals, and spells are powerful, but just a drop of blood can rejuvenate a dead tree and bloom such dazzling peach blossoms.

Not long after, the peach blossoms drifted away like snowflakes, blowing to the dead trees around them respectively.

After about a quarter of an hour, the trees burst open one after another, and a crowd of people walked out from inside.These people were old and young, men and women, all of them looked dazed, not knowing what happened.

In the end, everyone's eyes were fixed on the ugly mistress.

Xiaosan greeted everyone cheerfully, and they all scattered in fright.

Su Waiwai said to Su Xiaoer: "Go find the suzerain of Qianye Sect and tell him about the disappearance of Qianye Sect. Taohua and I have something to say."

Su Xiaoer responded and left, looking for the lord of Qianye Sect.

"Taohua, I think Master has the right to know the truth. The person he has been waiting for all these years has been you." Su Waiwai said when no one was around.

In the past, she was afraid of finding out that she was not a Peach Blossom Fairy, so she would have a close relationship with Beiyue Luo.

Now that she knows that Peach Blossom Fairy is still there, she has paid a lot for Bei Yueluo. They are a pair of lovers, and lovers should be together.As for her, she felt that it was enough to have the fourth child of the Su family to accompany her.

"About Qianyezong has gone through these years of changes, and I can't come back. I can only do this. As for Yueluo, I have a bad relationship with him. Even if we meet, we can't love each other, but you are different. Wai Wai Wai Wai , I thought very clearly when I was in the lower world, if I was with Yue Luo, there would only be disasters, and I was willing to walk out of his life forever. I have made up my mind, and I will never change it." Peach Blossom Fairy opened her lips softly, her voice was ethereal .

"But this is not your business alone. You are the one Master has been waiting for, how can you leave him?" Su Wai Wai said with a frown.

"Have you forgotten? You are me. Of course, you are not completely me. Although I used my own blood to create you, you are you, the unique Suwaiwai, and the person Yueluo loves now is you. Everything between me and him has vanished long, long ago!" Peach Blossom Fairy said every single word.

This is to tell Su Waiwai that she is not joking, nor is she acting out of righteousness.

It can only be a tragedy for her and Bei Yue Luo to be together, but she hopes to see Bei Yue Luo happy.With a woman like Su Wai Wai around, it would be hard for Bei Yue Luo not to be happy.

"Are you sure?" Su frowned.

She really can't understand Peach Blossom Fairy, why she likes Bei Yueluo so much, but she has to make a decision with him in this way, no woman is as stupid as Peach Blossom Fairy, right? !

(End of this chapter)

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