Chapter 1419
Su Waiwai didn't dodge or dodge, watching Su Fu's face approaching him helplessly.

Su Fu's scalp was numb when he saw Su Waiwai's beautiful eyes that were as clear as water. He wanted to recklessly slander Su Waiwai, but in the end he still felt guilty.

"Wai Wai, can you stop looking at me like this, it makes me a little shy!" Su Fu looked away, and suddenly felt that this woman was becoming more and more unpredictable.

This woman took the initiative to deliver it to her door, which was unprecedented.He wanted to belittle this woman, but this woman didn't avoid it, did she put poison on her mouth?

If not, the real purpose of this woman coming here is to use a beauty trick to deal with him, the demon king.

If it weren't for the Su family's fourth elementary school, it would be impossible to fake it, and he suspected that this Su Waiwai was actually not that Su Waiwai.

"Su Fu, you are actually not bad." Su Waiwai smiled at Su Fu, and continued to walk forward with small steps.

Yes, no, no matter how good Su Fu is, she doesn't feel tempted, which is very sad.

She never thought of herself as a long-term lover, but after meeting Bei Yueluo, she seemed to have feelings for only one man, Bei Yueluo.

Su Fu was stunned for a while, and then followed Su Waiwai and asked, "You mean I'm very good, do you want to marry me again?!" If so, it would be great, but he felt that it would not be so easy to get this woman .

"What do you think?" Su Wai Wai asked with a faint smile.

Su Fu slumped his shoulders when he heard the words: "Forget it, I still don't want to humiliate myself. The visitor is a guest, and I will treat you tonight, this delicate guest. Now I will take you to the Valley of Thousand Flowers to have a look around!"

Now that Su Waiwai has entered his den of thieves, don't think about leaving easily, he will try his best to keep this woman.If possible, by the way, abduct her to marry her and be his wife.

With Su Fu's enthusiastic guidance, Su Waiwai ran around in the Valley of Thousand Flowers, and met many beautiful female fairies around her, all of them looked at her with vicious eyes, as if she had seduced their men.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with women. I think a man like you is the most unreliable. At this moment, you are talking and laughing with you, and the next moment you may be having sex with other women, don't you think so?" Su Wai He looked at the man in Tsing Yi with a crooked smile.

He looks handsome, has a good figure, and is the king of the demon world. No wonder so many women are attracted to him.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with them. I just look a little better, which is why I am so attractive. In fact, I am a very innocent and long-lasting demon king. Wai Wai, you and you are a natural couple How about this, you inspect me for another three days, and if you think I'm not bad within three days, you can marry me, okay?" Su Fu's eyes flashed calculations.

If it doesn't work, he will drug this woman and directly tie her up to marry him, so that he will be a well-known man. If he wants to get rid of him in the future, how easy is it?

"Su Fu, I've been married." Su Fu reminded Su Fu of this fact with a crooked smile.

From her point of view, Su Fu is also a coquettish man, with the same thick skin as Xia Hou.Except for Bei Yueluo, the other men around her were not quite normal, they were so enthusiastic that it was unbearable.

"You can get divorced if you've been married before. At worst, you'll divorce Bei Yueluo. He's married to another man. You should also find a man to marry. That's fair. Wai Wai, to be honest, only by comparing can you know who is more suitable for you." !" Su Fu smiled and gently pinched the woman's tender cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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