Chapter 1424
With his own wishful thinking, Su Fu made up his mind to let him sleep on the crooked couch later.Of course, the prerequisite is to wait for Su Wai Wai to fall asleep, so that he has a chance to get close to the beautiful woman.

He waited outside the dormitory for a full two quarters of an hour, making sure that Su Wai Wai was asleep before he wanted to enter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, someone was faster than him, stretched out his legs to block his way, and asked with a smirk, "Where is Boss Su going?"

"Little San, what are you doing here? Go play!" Su Fu beat his chest secretly, he shouldn't be surprised.

The damned stinky mistress, dared to spoil his good deeds, he wished he could chop up this unsightly dead thing.

"I'm here to guard against wolves, and by the way protect my lovely and beautiful mistress. Let's put it this way, there are too many wolves who want to beat my mistress. Every one of them is uneasy and kind to the master. Of course, we who are young have to take good care of the master. , if not, I don't know why the master was stolen suddenly." Xiaosan replied leisurely, looking at Su Fu with a half-smile.

Su Fu's behavior is so obvious, even Shang Zi can see that Su Fu has bad intentions towards Su Wai Wai, right?

Su Waiwai's man is Bei Yueluo, he must help protect Su Waiwai.

Of course, this is also the wish of all of their family members.Given that Su Wai Wai's ability to attract bees and butterflies cannot be underestimated, they are afraid that if they can defend against it for a while, they will not be able to prevent it forever, and this is what makes them tangled.

"How can there be so many wolves in this world? Why don't you do this? Leave the wolves guarding to me, and you can go and have a good rest. See how kind I am to you. You are very grateful to me. If you are grateful, get out of the way. Come to protect Weiwai." Su Fu said and wanted to enter.

But Xiaosan refused to give way, another person came over and stood in the doorway, it was Xiaoqing.

Xiao San and Xiao Qing blocked the door, and quickly surrounded the door tightly.

They all looked at Su Fu with contemptuous eyes, Su Fu felt unhappy when they saw him.He cursed in a low voice, and finally turned around helplessly and left the Space of Last Dream.

As soon as Su Fu left, Xiao San and Xiao Qing clapped their hands at the same time, celebrating that he had done another good deed and drove away the wolf Su Fu.

That Xiang Su Fu left the realm of the legacy, never reconciled.

He had to think of another way to deal with his nemesis Su Wai Wai.

At that time, if she can't find a man to help Su Waiwai cure the love potion, why can't Su Waiwai take the initiative to throw herself into his arms?

Yes, just do it!

Su Fu showed a treacherous smile, and Su Xiaoer was nearby, seeing Su Fu's expression in his eyes.

Immediately he found Xiaosan and whispered: "Xiaosan, you turn into a little mouse and go see what bad idea Brother Su has come up with. He must be trying to play tricks on my mother!"

Xiao San responded and left, turned into a mouse, went to the palace where Su Fu lived, and chose a hidden place to hide.

He just hid himself, but he heard Su Fu say to his caring little maid: "Go and prepare some love potions, the stronger the potion, the better. It must be colorless and tasteless, and the drug will be released without anyone knowing it. If the smell A little bit of a love-killing drug that can be addicted to poison, that's the best."

The little maid went away at the sound, and Xiaosan heard it clearly, she felt that Su Fu was not a human being, but he thought of such a perverted way to deal with Su Waiwai, he had to report the news quickly.

Xiaosan was about to go out when she heard a maid screaming.

Xiaosan glanced at the servant girl, it turned out that she was so frightened when she saw him...

(End of this chapter)

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