Chapter 1430
"Looking at you like this, do you dislike my sweet kiss?" Su Wai Wai asked solemnly, but in fact, he couldn't bear the internal injury of laughing.

"No, why would I dislike you? Wai Wai, I just haven't felt it yet, if you kiss me again, I'll definitely feel it seriously this time." Su Fu replied seriously.

Maybe it was just his illusion just now, how can a woman's lips be so hard?One look at Su Wai Wai's small mouth is very delicious, and it must be soft and sweet when kissed.

But just now he didn't have this feeling at all, presumably he had an illusion.

"Su Fu, let's get down to business. After kissing, take me to see your jade seal. If you dare to backtrack, I'll raze your damn place to the ground!" Su Waiwai looked at Su Fu coldly.

Su Fu's scalp went numb from Su Waiwai's gaze.According to this woman's current ability, it is not difficult to raze the Thousand Flowers Valley to the ground.

He is the king of the demon world, so naturally he can't be dishonest and be laughed at by this woman.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the jade seal." Su Fu also corrected his appearance, and walked ahead to lead the way.

Su Waiwai followed closely behind, and it took less than half an hour to follow Su Fu to a secret valley in the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

"I didn't expect there to be such a valley here, it's very beautiful." Su Waiwai admired the scenery of the lake and mountains without hesitation.

Not far from the valley is a green lake with green hills.The place they are in is lush and lush, with blooming mountain flowers, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise.

"Except for me, no one has ever been able to come here. The jade seal is not an ordinary item, and it needs to absorb the aura of the world. Maybe this is why you need it for alchemy." Su Fu replied calmly, with a kind of concealment in his tone. Live with pride.

When Su Wai Wai heard this, her eyebrows twitched, thinking that Su Fu's words were reasonable.

The reason why pills above Rank [-] are difficult to refine is because the medicinal materials it needs are hard to find in the world. Pills of Rank [-] need energy, and Pills of Rank [-] need spiritual energy. This may be the uniqueness of Yunshanghua. ?

Su Waiwai was a little more curious about Yun Shanghua at this moment, she really wanted to know what Yun Shanghua looked like.

Not long after, Su Fu brought Su Waiwai into an open-air garden.

Su Waiwai was about to step on the bluestone road in the middle, but was stopped by Su Fang: "Be careful, this stone road is specially designed to deal with idiots like you!"

Hearing this, Su Waiwai hurriedly retracted his feet, hid behind Su Fu and said, "Okay, you lead the way."

The more beautiful the place, the easier it is to cause trouble, so it's better to follow Su Fu safely.

Seeing Su Fu's crooked bear appearance, Su Fu laughed again and again.

He walked to the muddy ground on the left, and Su Waiwai looked dumbfounded: "You can think of such a despicable way. Su Fu, you are so treacherous!"

For ordinary people, who would walk on such a muddy field?
What's even more strange is that when they stepped on the mud, their feet didn't get even a little bit of mud, which was very strange.

"Are you using a demon technique?" Su Wai Wai asked in a low voice.

"It's just a small blindfold, with your skill, you can't even see the blindfold, stupid!" Su Fu took the opportunity to tease Su Waiwai.

Su Wai Wai said with a small face, "If I become a fairy, I will be able to see your deception. Now I am just a little monk, not a fairy." If she is a fairy, she doesn't need to look at Yunshanghua , what kind of elixir can be refined, can live a happy fairy life, live a nourishing and nourishing life...

(End of this chapter)

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