Chapter 1432 The Woman Like a Wolf Like a Tiger

Su Wai Wai's little hands were itchy, she really wanted to take out this pot of Ella flowers to see what happened.According to her guess, the demon king's jade seal is similar to fairy grass, because it is planted in a flowerpot.Maybe it looks like India but not India, like a flower but not a flower?

Su Waiwai couldn't help stretching out her small hand, wanting to touch Yunshanghua, but Su Fu slapped her on the back of the hand.The back of her slender and jade-like hands suddenly became red and swollen.

Su Waiwai cast Su Fu a reproachful look, and said in a low voice, "Wouldn't you be a little lighter? You just want to see what this thing looks like. As for being stingy, it's a virtue. If you don't look at it, you'll be fine." Don’t look, what’s so great about it.”

Even though he said so, Su Waiwai's "hungry and thirsty" gaze was fixed on Yunshanghua, and he couldn't move it away.

Su Fu saw Su's crooked and wolf-like eyes, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly said: "It's over, let's go." If you don't leave, this woman is likely to pounce on it and take this thing away.

"Wait, let me study it again." Su Waiwai didn't want to leave, so Su Fu simply did it directly, dragging the woman out of the secret room where Yunshanghua was placed.

The name is to take a look. According to him, this woman wants to take all these things for herself, right?

"Stingy ghost, let me take another look without dying. I have never seen a man who is more stingy than you." Su Wai Wai kicked Su Fu hard, then paced away.

No, she has to find a way to see Yunshanghua again.Maybe there is another way, she can't give up so quickly and easily.

Such a peculiar thing as Yunshanghua is the only one in the world, and there is no semicolon. No wonder the Qizhuan Pill needs it.

"What are you planning, you dead woman?" Su Fu accidentally caught all of Su Wai Wai's expressions in his eyes, and asked with a frown.

One look at the suspicious look in this woman's eyes, and one can tell that she is planning something terrible.

Of course, she is still coveting Yunshanghua.

"I think the weather is good today, Su Fu, don't you think so?" Su Wai Wai said, taking the initiative to take Su Fu's arm, intending to tease this stinky man and make him feel at ease. Then, she blatantly Go study Ella.

Su Fu snorted coldly: "There's nothing to show courteousness to, it's either adultery or robbery!" However, it was very useful to him.It turns out that as long as there is something this woman needs in hand, this woman will show favor to him.If possible, maybe I can kidnap her to bed...

"You are smiling so lasciviously, you must have thought about the immorality. Su Fu, when will you bring me to see this thing next time?" Su asked with a smile.

"In the next life." Su Fu replied calmly, wondering if he should ask this woman for more kisses.

Su Wawai punched Su Fu hard on the chest, and said with a smirk: "Look at you, what are you saying, you definitely don't please women like this." After she finished speaking, she gave Su Fu another slap.

Su Fu didn't bring it up in one breath, and before he had time to refute, Su Waiwai left him, and quickly disappeared in front of him.

Dead woman, leave as soon as you say, ruthless, heartless and righteous!
"Waiwai, wait for me." Su Fu chased after Su Waiwai, looking fascinated by her brisk back.

What method should be used to get this woman?If prescribing medicine doesn't work, then use threats?

This woman should be soft and hard. If she is used to threaten her, she will definitely use violence.

(End of this chapter)

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