Chapter 1434

"You rebellious son, you actually let your old mother sacrifice your appearance. I dragged you to shit and pee, and this is how you repay my upbringing?" Su Waiwai looked at Su's family with a broken heart A bunch of people, lamenting that being a human being is a failure.

"It's all the fault of the little master, it has nothing to do with me." Xiao San hastily moved away from Su Xiaoer.

"I also think the master is wrong this time." After Xiaoqing finished speaking, she sat down with Xiaosan.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoer sneered: "My mother is so precious, why do you need a big shot like my mother? Xiaosan Xiaoqing, whether our Su family can refine the Qizhuan Dan this time depends on your performance!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other, and they bounced away.

"What do you mean?" Xiaosan asked puzzled.

"Literally. Regardless of whether you sacrifice your beauty or body, Brother Su will leave it to you! In short, you must get Yunshanghua, otherwise... what mother said?" Su Xiaoer He suddenly looked at Su Wai Wai and asked.

Su Waiwai's smile widened when he heard the words: "Otherwise, get out of Su's house, and you will never be allowed to come back and be ashamed of the world!"

"It's so poisonous, Xiaosan, it's all your fault. I leave this matter to you. You are the best at it. I believe you can meet all the mother's requirements." Xiaoqing hastily shirked responsibility and stayed away from Xiaosan by the way.

Xiaosan glared at Xiaoqing, and threw herself on Xiaoqing, pinning him down, and the two spirit beasts fought together again.

Seeing that the good family meeting was interrupted, Su Waiwai suddenly felt that the Su family was missing a pillar.

Every time something happens, she takes the lead. As a woman, it's not easy.

Su Xiaoer followed behind Su Wai Wai, and seeing Su Wai Wai sighing and sighing, she couldn't help but volunteered: "Mother, why don't I test Brother Su's tone first, maybe there are other ways besides the beauty trick."

"Forget it, you go and ask, maybe there are other better ways besides beauty tricks. I'll go and have a look with you!" Su Waiwai said as he followed Su Xiaoer to watch the fun.

Su Xiaoer ran to Su Fu's other garden, jumped into Su Fu's arms, and kissed him twice on the face.

Su Waiwai put an invisibility talisman on himself, and stood in the corner to watch.

Su Xiaoer's move made her amazed, Su Xiaoer's beauty trick worked, and Su Fu's eyes smiled into a straight line, knowing that Su Fu was very useful for this beauty trick.

"Brother Su is getting more and more beautiful. My mother and I are a perfect match!" Su Xiaoer poured Su Fumi soup.

Su Fu nodded his head, thinking that what Su Xiaoer said was very reasonable.

"Then you speak good words to your mother. Your mother has soft ears and loves you the most. As long as you speak, your mother will definitely think that I am the best man in the world!" Su Fu said hastily.

Su Xiaoer sweated a lot before he opened his mouth, but Su Fu actually asked him to intervene.

"This matter still needs to be done by Brother Su himself. As long as my mother is in a good mood, everything is easy to discuss, but if you are in a bad mood, everything you do will be in vain. Unfortunately, my mother lost her temper as soon as she came home. " Su Xiaoer looked at Su Fu eagerly, hoping that Su Fu would take the initiative to bring up Yunshanghua next time.

Su Fu looked at Su Xiaoer with a half-smile: "Then what can I do to make your mother feel better?"

"Of course it's what he likes. Whatever my mother wants, brother Su will give my mother. That's right!" Su Xiaoer replied loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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