Chapter 1436 Selling Your Body
Su Wai Wai glared at Su Fu, and Su Fu added with a smile: "How about this, sleep with me, and I will give you Yunshanghua!"

Su Waiwai rewarded Su Fu's legs directly, then rushed out of the other garden where Su Fu lived without looking back.

"I'm so pissed off, the surname Su is the same color!!" Su Waiwai rushed back to the other garden where Su's family lived, screaming up to the sky.

"Mother, don't worry about getting sick. At worst, let's think of a way, and we can always make Brother Su submissive. Now we have a handle in Brother Su's hands, so Brother Su can ride on Mother's head and play wild." Su Su Xiaoer hurriedly made a cup of tea and handed it to Su Waiwai, making his mother angry.

Su Wai Wai scratched her head in grief and indignation: "Su is too bad, too perverted!!"

"That's right, Boss Su is not human!" Xiaosan echoed while eating snacks.

He took a sip, and his vicious eyes suddenly looked at his... beast's mouth.

Xiaosan's heart stopped beating, and she hurriedly covered her mouth and said, "Master, don't let me talk about my mouth!!"

As for this woman, Su Wai Wai, he could tell what Su Wai Wai was thinking by moving her eyebrows, and she actually wanted him to sacrifice her looks.

Su Wai Wai lightly hooked her slender fingers at Xiao San, who shook her head: "I would rather die than surrender!"

"Damn thing, get over here!!" Su Wai Wai growled at Xiao San impatiently.

Xiao San was dumbfounded this time, and directly "rolled" to Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai's complexion got better now, she touched Xiao San's face, and felt that this person's skin was really rough.

"Little San, you have thin skin and tender flesh, and you have a pretty face. You are the one to do this kind of thing! How about it, you come with me to find Su Fu and give him a sweet kiss." Su said with a smile. Well authentic.

Xiaosan shook her head sadly: "I know I'm ugly, master don't be ridiculous, let me go, the effect will definitely be opposite. Why don't you find Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing is much prettier than me, sacrifice the color- If you want to do something, you can definitely find Xiaoqing!"

"Smelly thing, are you being modest at this time?" Su said and looked at Xiaoqing.

It's fair for one person to come once.

Xiao Qing pretended not to see Su Wai Wai's gaze fixed on him, turned around and wanted to leave...

"Xiaoqing, come here, I have something important to explain. I'll count to three, if you don't come here, you will die!" Su Waiwai said softly towards Xiaoqing's back.

Xiaoqing's face is bitter, she is dead anyway, it just depends on how she dies.

In the end, Xiaoqing still succumbed to Su Waiwai's lustful coercion, obediently returned to Su Waiwai, and waited for the punishment.

"Xiao Qing, you are getting more and more handsome, Su Fu likes to look good, this time you go." Su Wai Wai opened his lips softly.

Xiaoqing shook her head: "I absolutely can't do such a thing of selling flesh-body! The master's mother should find someone else, please stop playing with me!"

"Look at what you guys said. It's good for you to let you have something to do. Besides, is there any room for you to speak in this family? I let you sell your body because I think highly of you." Su Wai Wai Smiling slightly, she opened her lips, raised Xiaoqing's chin and looked at it twice: "Look at this mouth, how sexy is it? If I were Su Fu, I would definitely like it."

Xiao San came out muffledly from the side, Xiao Ba didn't dare to speak at all, for fear that Su Wai Wai would see his existence.He quietly hid his body, afraid that Xiaoqing would suddenly come to him to back him up.

"Master, I really can't do it." Xiao Qing almost knelt down to Su Wai Wai.

(End of this chapter)

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