Chapter 1442 Seven Revolving Pills
Everyone thought that Su Wai Wai's mother and son would come out soon, but they waited for two days and two nights.

Xiao San ran the fastest, went to Zhi Su Wai Wai and asked, "Master, what's going on?!"

Su Wai Wai's expression was solemn, Xiao San's heart tightened, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.Depending on the situation, the Qizhuan Pill could not be refined.

Su Wai Wai shook her head and sighed, but said nothing.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other in blank dismay, whether they could make it or not, they had to say something.

Su Wai Wai left without saying a word, what should they do? !

Xiaoqing rushed to Su Xiaoer in a hurry: "Master, how is the Qizhuan Pill?!"

Su Xiaoer frowned, looked at Xiaoqing and let out a long sigh: "Oh..."

From then on, Su Xiaoer followed Su Waiwai's example, walking behind Su Waiwai with his hands tied behind his back, out of everyone's sight.

"What's going on here?" Xiaosan muttered.

"It's probably what you saw. It didn't make it. Otherwise, according to the master's mother-in-law's flamboyant temperament, why didn't he tell the world loudly that she had refined the Seventh Rank Pill?" Xiaoqing came to such a conclusion.

He guessed almost exactly.If that man Su Waiwai had refined the Qizhuan Pill, what would he do in the Valley of Thousand Flowers if he didn't pat his ass and leave?
"Then we're done." Xiaosan immediately slumped her shoulders.Unexpectedly, after waiting for two months, I wasted nothing and wasted my expression.

"Yeah, it's over, let's break up, we can't even refine the seven-turn pill, so you still expect us to transform?" Xiaoqing booed from the side.

"Xiaoqing, I'm not talking about you. Every time you encounter difficulties, you say you want to break up the team. You are too inhuman!" Xiaosan gave Xiaoqing a disdainful look, and said in a low voice, "Actually, thinking about it, breaking up the team is also a big deal." Not a bad way to..."

This time Xiao Ba rewarded Xiao Qing and Xiao San with one leg each, and said in a deep voice: "You two might as well get out now, you have no future, and when disaster comes, you will fly separately. The master is raising you two white-eyed wolves for nothing!"

After Xiao Ba finished talking, Xiao San and Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Ba's "Feng-Sao" back and shook their heads at the same time.

"How loyal do you think it is? In my opinion, Xiao Ba will definitely run faster than us at the critical moment!" Xiao San said coldly.

"That's right, no matter how well you pretend to be in front of the master's mother, Xiao Ba is the most fake. Xiao San, don't call Xiao Ba when we break up, let him follow the master's mother!" Xiao Qing said, putting her on Xiao San's beastly shoulders. .

But Xiao San patted his hand away, and opened his lips in a cold voice: "I don't know you well!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan walked away one after another, Su Fu saw that all the sons of the Su family had run away, and froze in place.

Then he remembered that if Su Waiwai hadn't refined the Qizhuan Pill, he wouldn't have left Qianhua Valley, and he would have been entangled with this woman until he produced a few dolls.

Thinking of such a wonderful life, Su Fu couldn't help laughing, feeling that life was suddenly bright.

A few days passed in such a calm and uneventful manner, Su Fu was not in a hurry at all, just waiting for Su Wai Wai to deliver the goods to his door.

If he hadn't refined the elixir, Su Waiwai would definitely ask him for something, he just had to wait for this woman to think of him and bring it to her door, that's all.

With a plan in place, Su Fu waited in his spare time.

Two days later, when Su Fu was in the other garden, a woman rushed up to him, grabbed his collar and shouted loudly, "Get up!!"

"Just say it, don't touch me, I'm not familiar with you." Su Fu said this, but frivolously touched Su Wai Wai's white hand, taking the opportunity to be frivolous.

(End of this chapter)

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