Chapter 1445 Su Family’s Beauty Trick (2)

"Master, don't be like this, my body can't stretch freely, it's more than enough for Xiaosan alone." Xiaoqing was still dying, and didn't want to be a scapegoat.

He and Xiao San don't usually drink alcohol, so how can they drink that thing?Isn't that sending you to death? !

"No, you are brothers and sisters, you have to go together. Tonight I'm counting on you two to help me hold back the drink, don't say no!" Su Waiwai patted Xiaoqing and Xiaosan on the heads, and went back to the room to rest with a smile.

Only by raising your spirits can you concentrate on dealing with that villain Su Fu at night. Beauty sleep is essential.

In the evening, Su Wai Wai asked Xiao Ba to invite Su Fu to the other garden, and she prepared a table of delicious food and wine, just waiting for Su Fu to come, so that Su Fu could see their Su family's beauties.

Under the leadership of Xiao Ba, Su Fu went to the other courtyard where Su's family lived. In the courtyard, a big beauty was drinking alone under the moonlight, just like a beauty who came out of a painting, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

His eyes lit up, and he looked straight at Su Wai Wai without taking his eyes off her.

Xiao Ba watched it clearly from the side, and knew that the beauty trick was tried and tested, especially when his master's beauty trick was used, it would definitely make Su Fu forget Jinxi and He Xi.

"Su Fu, sit down when you come. The mistress knew you were coming, so she specially prepared a table of delicacies. You should know that my mistress has always been very lazy. People who aren't like this don't cook easily." Su Waiwai replied Su Fu smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, he greeted Su Fu to come down.

Unexpectedly, Su Fu was still standing stupidly. In desperation, she stepped forward to hold Su Fu's arm, and personally asked him to sit down.

Xiao San who was hiding in Su Wai Wai's arms was almost smothered to death, he moved his body, itching so much that Su Wai Wai let out a gasp, and almost didn't laugh out loud.

"Waiwai, what's the matter with you?!" Su Fu was terrified when he heard the words, and didn't understand why Su Waiwai made the sound of "Chun", it was so scary.

Su Waiwai corrected her complexion, and returned a beautiful smile: "I'm fine. Drinking and eating vegetables are cold."

She said that she wanted to help Su Fu pour the wine. When she saw the exquisite small wine glass in front of Su Fu, she frowned slightly and raised her voice: "Xiao Ba, how do you do things? Su Fu has a lot of wine, so you can take such a small wine glass." Doesn't the cup look down on him? Change it to a bigger bowl, that's considered drinking!"

"Master taught me a lesson." Xiao Ba left in response, and after a while, he came out again with a large bowl of vegetables in his hand.

Seeing this, Su Fu frowned slightly: "Waiwai, don't you want to get me drunk?"

"I heard that you don't get drunk after a thousand drinks, but my drinking capacity is just the opposite. Even if I want to get you drunk, I should find someone with a lot of alcohol, right?" Su Wai Wai replied angrily.

"That's reasonable." Su Fu smiled slightly, watching Su Wai Wai help him fill up the wine.

Su Waiwai filled his small cup, and parted his red lips with a smile: "Su Fu, no matter what, just do it for our friendship!!"

As she spoke, covering her drunkenness with her wide sleeves, she poured a glass of wine into the mouth of Xiaosan who poked her head out.

Xiaosan took it right away, finished a glass, and almost choked to death from the spirits...

After confirming that Xiaosan would not be in the way, Su Waiwai wiped the corner of his lips with confidence and said, "Su Fu, why don't you drink?"

Seeing that Su Waiwai was so forthright, Su Fu didn't hesitate immediately, and drank a big bowl of wine in one go.He just put down the big bowl, Su Waiwai helped him fill it up again and said: "This wine is good, drink more."

(End of this chapter)

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