Chapter 1457 Peach Blossom Mighty
"I've drawn a map, and at dawn tomorrow, you follow the drawing." The old monster said and handed Su Wai Wai a map.

Su Waiwai took it, and asked puzzledly, "won't senior come with us?"

"Tomorrow is just to test the truth. It is not easy to come out of the Valley of Thousand Flowers. I have to be fully prepared to come out of the Valley of Flowers!" The old monster replied truthfully.He doesn't fight uncertain battles, let alone underestimate Su Fu's ability.

"Okay, I'll come to find out tomorrow." Su Waiwai returned home with the map, carefully recited it silently, and only waited for tomorrow to try out how powerful the Thousand Flowers Valley's formation is.

That night, Su Waiwai went to bed early in the morning, woke up energetically the next morning, and started to test the road.

In the first half of the road, Suwaiwai was unimpeded all the way.

After going to the second half of the road, the original flower garden becomes an arch bridge.Su Wai Wai paused her footsteps, then stepped on without hesitation, she knew that the old monster was nearby to watch.

Furthermore, it is impossible for Su Fu to kill her, so what is she afraid of?
Su Waiwai had just stepped onto the arch bridge when she found that the scene around her had changed suddenly. She was actually on a piece of green grass.

The old monster once told her that many of the formations are illusions, and this green grass must be an illusion.

Su Waiwai walked forward without panic or panic, and soon heard the sound of water in front of him.She quickened her pace, and in the distance she saw a river blocking her way.

When he reached the small river, Su Waiwai stepped onto the small river without hesitation.At this time, the space changed instantly, and she actually returned to the flower garden on the map.

Su Waiwai was overjoyed, and after walking around the flower garden, she saw a bunch of wild beasts grinning at her in front of her.

"You are illusory, I am not afraid of you!" Su Wai Wai said and walked towards the Beast Walk.

She didn't realize she was careless until a wild beast rushed towards her.

She waved her plain hand, and there was a peach blossom sword in her hand.When she raised the sword and fell, she had already stabbed six beasts to death.

The strong smell of blood made her frowned: "Damn, is it a real beast?!"

As soon as she started killing, many wild beasts flew towards her.

Su Wai Wai Wai Jiao scolded: "Hua Hua, clean them all up!!"

The Peach Blossom Sword came out of her slender palm, and it turned into several peach blossom darts, shooting at all the beasts like lightning.

Wherever the Peach Blossom Dart passed, screams continued and the sky was filled with dust.

After the screams subsided, Su Wai Wai took a closer look, only to see the corpses of beasts everywhere.

The scattered peach blossom darts are like a long dragon flying in the air. When all the peach blossom darts gather together, the spiritual energy will flourish, and a peach blossom sword with compelling spiritual energy will form again and return to Su Waiwai's palm.

"Huahua, good job, beat these dead things to pieces, and then give that bastard surnamed Su a blow, I love you to death." Su Waiwai hugged the peach blossom sword and kissed it.

The beast that was bleeding like a river turned into smoke not long after, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Su Waiwai stepped onto the empty square curiously, looked around: "Strange, where did the beast go?!"

"Ashes and smoke are gone." Xiaosan knew that there was something exciting to watch, so she couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out of the space of Nocturnal Dreams to see what happened.

Su Waiwai turned her head and glanced at Xiao San, who coughed lightly, and obediently ran back to the Realm of Remnant Dreams, continuing to listen to the excitement.

After that, Su Wai Wai reached the end marked on the map without encountering any obstacles.But, there is no way out.After Su Waiwai looked left and right, he was sure that there was no way forward, so he turned back to the original path.

(End of this chapter)

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