Chapter 1460 Across the Sea of ​​Fire (2)

Su looked back at Su Fu, not knowing how to answer.

In Su Fu, she saw the shadow of Xia Hou, she couldn't get it, she was what they couldn't get, they all liked her, but she couldn't repay their affection.

If a person's heart can be divided into more than half, perhaps there will not be so many love troubles.

"Su Fu, there is no way to force things about feelings. It's not that you are bad, but my heart can't respond to your feelings. It's just that simple." Su Wai Wai said calmly, and let Xiao San step into the fire.

The moment Xiaosan stepped into the sea of ​​flames, she closed her eyes in fright.Strangely, a transparent natural barrier suddenly appeared around them.

"Little San, and me!" The old monster's voice suddenly sounded.

Xiao San opened his eyes and looked at his chest, only to see the old monster grabbing his fur and looking at him leisurely.

"Old monster boss, you should come out earlier, you almost scared me to death just now!" Xiaosan exclaimed in a low voice.

"If I had come out earlier, Su Fu would definitely have made preparations earlier. Now we have entered the formation set up by Su Fu. As long as we see the tricks, we will be able to leave the Valley of Thousand Flowers!" The old monster looked at the boundless surroundings. sea ​​of ​​flames.

Xiaosan's heart shuddered: "You didn't come to study until now?"

He thought that the old monster had a countermeasure long ago, but it turned out that he thought too well.

"Only by going deep into the formation can we find a breakthrough. Don't bother me, let me observe carefully." The old monster climbed onto Xiaosan's shoulder and looked into the distance...

The moment Su Fu's family stepped into the flames, Su Fu's heart was locked together.When she saw that Su Wai Wai was safe and sound, she was relieved.

This is strange, although he set up a formation, but these real fires are absolutely real, most people will burn to ashes if they step on them, why is Suwaiwai's family okay?

Su Fu couldn't figure this out for a while, and could only watch the Su family walk away.

If they can't get out of this sea of ​​flames and break his formation, even if they are temporarily safe, they will be exhausted to death. Next, what should he do?
Su Fu stared at the scene of the fire in a daze, while Su Waiwai's family walked forward, turning around blindly.They tried many directions, but there was no way out, and they couldn't even find a way back.

"Brother monster, hurry up and find a way, or we will be trapped here to death." Su Xiaoer stared nervously at the surrounding flames.

Although there was a barrier protecting them, he could still feel the heat of the flames.

After a long time, the human body will not be able to bear it.

"Su Xiaoer, don't worry, senior will naturally find a solution. Let's not quarrel, so that senior can concentrate on thinking about countermeasures." Su Waiwai winked at Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer yawned in Su Waiwai's arms, and asked softly, "Mother, if we accidentally die here, wouldn't everything we have encountered before be in vain?"

"Stupid boy, talk all you've ever said, who said we'd die here?" Su Wai Wai smiled, and said to Xiao Ba, "Xiao Ba, take Su Xiao Er to the Last Dream Space to rest."

"I want to be with my mother, live and die together, and not go anywhere." Su Xiaoer hugged Su's crooked thigh and shook her head vigorously.

"Master, I don't want to go in either." Xiao Ba replied from the other side.

"That's all right, all right, don't pretend to be confessing your last words, they're all quiet, I'm bothered." Xiao San angrily interrupted the conversation between Su Wai Wai and Xiao Ba.

(End of this chapter)

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