Chapter 1464

"Have we produced the formation formed by Su Fu?" Su Waiwai looked at the old monster and asked, not quite believing that it came out like this.

The old monster didn't answer right away, he looked around carefully, Fang nodded and replied: "It's indeed out. Girl Su, it's also thanks to your wonderful idea."

Su Waiwai wasn't too excited, she didn't know whether they were lucky enough to find a way out, or Su Fu let them go at the last moment.

As a result, they got out of the Valley of Thousand Flowers as they wished.

She turned her head to look at the entrance of the Valley of Thousand Flowers, where there were shadows of trees and clouds and mist, and there was no sign of anyone, but she always felt that someone was watching her direction, maybe that person was Su Fu.

She should be happy to finally leave, but...

"Mother, let's go." Su Xiaoer took Su Waiwai's hand, awakening her drifting thoughts.

Su Waiwai regained consciousness, and smiled at Su Xiaoer: "Let's go home."

There is no feast that lasts forever in this world, even if they feel reluctant to part with Su Fu as a friend, they still have different lives and have different paths to go.

As for Su Fu, if there is a destiny in the future, I will see you again.

Su Wai Wai Fei landed on Xiao San's back, and said softly: "Little San, let's go."

The family of Su's family was ready to go, but seeing the old monster standing still, Su asked puzzledly: "Didn't senior say that he wanted to visit Xiuxianmen?"

"Next time, I still have other places to go, girl Su, if you need me in the future, just look for the old man Oneiroi, he knows where to find me." The old monster waved his hand at Su.

Su nodded, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing drove Su's mother and son away.

After the whole family of Su's family left, the old monster said to Su Fu who was hiding nearby: "Miss Su is gone, come out, Demon King."

Not only did he know that Su Fu was nearby, he believed that Su Wai Wai also had the same reason.

As soon as the old monster finished speaking, Su Fu, dressed in a green robe, slowly walked out of the fog.

"In the end it was the demon king who withdrew the formation, right?" the old monster expressed his doubts.

"It was her luck that she hit the fire formation by mistake!" Su Fu replied calmly.

"I think you let us go, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get out of the fire easily." The old monster insisted.

He has met many strange people, but he has never met such a master as Su Fu.If Su Fu hadn't shown mercy and let them go, they wouldn't have gotten out of the fire easily.

"The old monster is famous all over the world and thinks highly of himself, why doesn't he have confidence in himself this time?" Su Fu opened his lips with a faint smile.

"If girl Su hadn't given me a hint this time, I wouldn't be able to find a breakthrough in the fire formation, and I would be ashamed of myself." The old monster sighed softly.

This is the truth, Su Fu's formations are varied and varied, and if he did not have a delicate mind, how could he design such a wonderful formation.He has gained a lot from this trip to the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

"Let's put it this way, if Waiwai can't find the only way out, even if I want to withdraw the formation, it's impossible. This is the grievance between me and her. Only when she finds a way to resolve the grievance is the real way out. I The person who can keep her can't keep her heart, I've seen this a long time ago, but I just can't bear to let go. Seeing her happy face, I suddenly feel that I did the right thing to let her go." Su Fu said Turn around and walk back to the circuit.

If you can't keep it, you have to leave eventually. What's the use of forcing?
(End of this chapter)

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