Chapter 1466 Liancheng's Heart (2)

Baili Liancheng paused slightly, lifted his lips and smiled, "It's only been a few years."

"I don't think so! You have been staying at the Xiuxian Gate all this time, haven't you?" Su Waiwai looked straight into Baili Liancheng's eyes and asked word by word.

Although she and Baili Liancheng failed to get together in the end, she understood this man's dead temper.He is just a fool, even though he knows she doesn't have him in his heart, he still can't let her go.The most stupid thing he could do was hang around her and stay in a corner where she couldn't see, so that he could see her without affecting her life.

"Waiwai, you're thinking too much. Aren't you drinking? Let's go, you invite me, a distinguished guest, to drink." Baili Liancheng said again with a faint smile.

He walked away gracefully as he spoke.

Su Wai Wai was stunned in place, staring at Bai Li Lian Cheng's back in a daze.

Seeing that Su Waiwai didn't keep up, Baili Liancheng looked back and smiled: "You're being silly again. Waiwai, follow up quickly!"

Su Waiwai followed Baili Liancheng weakly, and suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with living a muddled life, at least not so much pressure.

She didn't have to worry about whether she owed someone today, or whether she owed someone a debt of love tomorrow.

Why do these men have such bad eyesight and choose her to like them?She is a heartless person, after this moment, she will forget the love she owed others, and live happily as before.

"Waiwai, if you are unhappy with Bei Yueluo, why not make peace with him and marry me as his wife, I will treat you well." Baili Liancheng said, patting Su Waiwai's little head with gentle eyes.

Hearing this, Su Wai Wai lowered her head even lower: "Aren't you poaching a corner?"

Could it be that Baili Liancheng also knew that she was not the Peach Blossom Fairy, so he said this?
"Poaching a corner?" Baili Liancheng asked in confusion, unable to understand what it meant to dig a corner.

"It's just... Forget it, I didn't say anything." Su said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll treat you to a restaurant, eat big fish and meat, drink fine wine, and admire beauties!"

Baili Liancheng laughed: "What kind of beauty do you admire as a woman?!"

"Everyone has the desire to love beauty. Besides, I appreciate beauties only for you. You should see more beautiful things in the world, so that you have more choices. Let's go to Chunxiang Building." Su Wai Wai said cheerfully.

Baili Liancheng paused: "Chunxianglou?!" Why does it sound like the name of a brothel? !Could this woman want to take him to the brothel? !

"Yeah, that's a good place that men love to go. It's you and I who take you there. If it were someone else, I wouldn't be so enthusiastic." After Su Waiwai finished speaking, she flew up, flying with her sword, and headed for Chunxiang Tower. direction.

Baili Liancheng has no choice but to keep up.

This was the first time he had seen a monk go shopping in a brothel, not to mention that this monk was a woman, and her cultivation had reached the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul,

Su Waiwai has never played cards according to common sense, but this time, will he play too much? !
Chunxiang Building was closed during the day, but Su Waiwai broke in directly. The old bustard wanted to drive people away, but when she saw the Baililian City that entered later, her eyes lit up.

Such a man is rare in the world. If the girl in their family is blessed to serve her, it is a blessing from her previous life.

"See, such a handsome guy is rare in the world, isn't it? Nanny, your saliva is almost drooling." Su Wai Wai watched the old bustard as a nympho, and jokingly approached him.

(End of this chapter)

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