Chapter 1477 Liancheng's Heart (13)

The last person to come out of retreat was Su Xiaoer.

Although Su Xiaoer's stature is not long, as soon as he came out, everyone felt the compelling aura emanating from him.

"Xiaoer Su, why aren't you growing taller?" Su Waiwai rushed forward, hugged his darling son, and asked the little guy with a smile.

Su Xiaoer took a look at her not-so-long body, shook her head and smiled dryly: "I don't know what's going on. Mom, will I always be like this in the future, not tall?"

"Stupid boy, how could it not be long? Have you forgotten how many years it took you to reach your current height?" Su Waiwai couldn't help but kiss Su Xiaoer's face twice.

The longer this guy grows, the more aura he has. When he grows up, how much will he please girls?

It's better not to grow up so fast, or you will forget your own mother when you have a girlfriend in the future.

However, Su Xiaoer's gaze was fixed on Baili Liancheng, Su Waiwai followed Su Xiaoer's gaze, and explained: "It's a good thing that you have Liancheng to accompany me during these years of retreat."

When Su Xiaoer heard the words, he simply pulled Su Waiwai aside, and asked in a low voice, "Is Brother Baili a candidate for my stepfather?"

Su Waiwai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, lightly pinched Su Xiaoer's small face and said, "You child is really thinking too far. Don't worry, I won't find you a stepfather for the time being, so there are no candidates for a stepfather. Don't think about it, one day If I want to remarry, I'll be the first to notify you, okay?"

This child has never seen innocence in him, and he matured precociously when he was born.

"As long as mother is happy, I have no problem with how many stepfathers mother finds. I'm glad that brother Baili has been with mother during these years of retreat." Su Xiaoer replied with emotion.

"I can't stand one of them, so how many more do you say? Maybe I will die alone in this life!" Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

Why force yourself to be with someone you don't like if you can't be with the one you love the most?
Everyone was pricking up their ears to eavesdrop on Suwaiwai's mother and son.Upon hearing Su Wai Wai's words, everyone's hearts froze, and they only thought that there was something in Su Wai Wai's words.

"What do you mean by mother's words?" Su Xiaoer also heard that Su Waiwai's words had other meanings, and asked.

"It literally means. After I become a fairy, I will ask Master face to face. If he doesn't have me in his heart, I will divorce him and live alone in the future. If you want to break up, you must break it completely. It's not good to be so procrastinating." !” Su Wai Wai replied word by word.

The four members of Su's family looked at each other in blank dismay, but Baili Liancheng was very happy. He hoped that Su Waiwai and Baili Liancheng would be completely broken, so that he would have a chance.

Even if there is no chance, he can justifiably stay by Su Wai Wai's side.

It's just that if Su Waiwai becomes a fairy in the future and goes to the fairy world to accompany Su Waiwai, I'm afraid that people will criticize her!

This has to be planned well, starting now.

"It seems that Boss Bei is going to go down, sympathy." Xiaosan sighed and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

Xiaoqing glanced at Xiaosan's ball-like body with contempt, and laughed mockingly: "I know how to eat and eat all day long, and I will eat you to death. Let's see how fat you are? It's so ugly!"

"I get used to it just by looking at it. I'm just hungry, what can I do?" Xiao San replied disdainfully.

His stomach was like a bottomless pit, and he panicked if he didn't eat for a moment.

He also wants a slim figure, but he may not have much hope in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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