Chapter 1488 Liancheng's Heart (24)

"I won't be so stupid as to send myself into a tiger's mouth! I tell you Ye, you don't want to drag me into the water, I won't accept your tricks!" Su Wai Wai replied coldly, and shouted: " Huahua, help me get rid of this stinky man, I feel upset when I see him!!"

The Peach Blossom Sword went away in response to the sound, and arrived in front of Ye Qing in an instant, attacking Ye Qing's face.

The sound of the sword was loud, Ye Qing only felt the sword aura attacking him, and his face turned cold.He didn't dare to be negligent, and responded cautiously. When he realized it, he had been forced out of the Realm of Nowhere by the Peach Blossom Sword.

"Damn thing, how dare a sword like this dare to show off its power to me, the ghost king!" Ye Qing looked at the triumphant Peach Blossom Sword, his throat was smoking with anger.

Where there is a master, there must be a sword, and the Peach Blossom Sword has the same virtue as Su Wai Wai.

If it wasn't for his helplessness, he wouldn't come to Su Wai Wai to make fun of himself.No matter how good-looking a woman is, it doesn't matter how cute she is, there are too few times when she is cute, and too many times when she is hateful.

Peach Blossom Sword drew a cross in front of Ye Qing's face, and then disappeared.

Ye Qing was about to go back to the small courtyard of Su's family to sit for a while, but saw the fourth elementary school of Su's family sitting in the courtyard, looking at him with half-smiles, all of them had hideous faces.

They must have taken the scene just now into their eyes, and everyone was laughing at him.

"Do you have such a way of hospitality?!" Ye Qing rushed forward, snatched the pill from Xiaosan's hand, and gnawed it on his own.

The taste is really good, no wonder he raised Xiao San so fat.

Dead things, eat delicious food and drink spicy food all day long, so it's no wonder that you're not fat.

"Boss Ye, you might not know the master because you are not capable enough, don't do this, it's not good-looking." Xiaosan said and wanted to get back the elixir, but unfortunately his hands were too short to reach.

The majestic Ghost King is ashamed to snatch his elixir, how can Ye Qing do it?Aren't you afraid of losing face? !
"The elixir is terrible." Ye Qing ate all the elixirs, threw the small porcelain bottle back into Xiaosan's hands, and did not forget to make a conclusion.

Xiaosan looked at the empty porcelain bottle with a very bad expression on his face: "It's so delicious, why don't you keep one? Boss Ye, you're so wicked!"

"I help you eat to save face." After Ye Qing finished speaking, he entered the room with graceful steps.

The four little ones of Su's family felt the wind blowing, they turned their heads to look at Ye Qing's back, the more they looked at Ye Qing, the more they felt that Ye Qing was very coquettish.

"Master, think of a way to get rid of Boss Ye. With him around, we won't have a good life." Xiao Qing looked at Su Xiaoer and said.

The most important thing is that Ye Qing also has the word "Qing", he doesn't like it, he is Xiaoqing, he must be unique.

He didn't wait for hell, but went to the human world to make trouble, Ye Qing was full.

"He's the king of ghosts, he's very capable, maybe he'll piss off Brother Ye, and then call a group of little ghosts to suppress you." Su Xiaoer replied calmly, continuing to bask in the sun.

When Xiao Sanyi heard about ghosts, he immediately ran to Xiao Ba, hugged his thigh and said, "Xiao Ba, I will sleep with you tonight, I am afraid of ghosts."

"Don't be like this." Xiao Ba wanted to push Xiao San away uncomfortably, a little unaccustomed to being so quiet with Xiao San.

"I want to be like this, hug you to feel safe, don't push me away." Xiaosan hugged her even tighter, and almost acted like a baby to Xiaoba.

Xiao Ba's goosebumps fell all over the ground, and finally broke Xiao San's hand and ran away.

Unexpectedly, at night, Xiao San actually ran to his bed, trying to squeeze together with him, no matter what method he tried, he couldn't get rid of Xiao San's brown candy.

(End of this chapter)

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