Chapter 1491 Liancheng's Heart (27)

"That's not what I meant, and I don't need your heart. Don't you understand human speech?!" Su Waiwai was anxious, and simply grabbed the dagger from Baili Liancheng's hand and threw it aside.

"Then you still drive me away?" Baili Liancheng asked quietly.

Su Waiwai didn't shake his head or nod, he just stared at Baili Liancheng.

The next moment, Baili Liancheng had a gleaming dagger in his hand, and he opened his lips softly: "It seems better for me to go."

"No, I'm not going." The moment Baili Liancheng stabbed him in the chest, Su Waiwai clasped his wrist forcefully and replied.

She can't play with these perverted men, let alone take risks.If he really wanted to dig out his heart, she would never have peace of mind in this life.

It is a miracle that she has cultivated the virtues of immortality.

Baili Liancheng threw the dagger in satisfaction, he found Xiaosan, explained to Xiaosan, and then left contentedly.

Xiao San looked at the menu in his hand in a daze.They are all Su Wawai's favorite dishes, how hard it is for him, even Su Wawai himself has never been so picky about food.

"Master, people who don't know think that Boss Baili is the owner of this family. Do you want to chase away a foodie carelessly?" Xiaosan asked Su Waiwai.

In this way, his pressure is not so great, and now he is really tired.

"If you want to drive you away, he threatened me with a knife just now. I'm in a hurry, I'll get out and leave the two of them to play here by themselves." Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai said, then dragged heavy steps to go relax.

It is very annoying to have nothing to do every day, but there are two more hard-to-serve masters, and she is the most miserable person.

I still miss the life of fighting monsters in the past, which is thrilling and exciting.If the road of alchemy cannot continue, should they continue to fight monsters to improve their cultivation?

Su Wai Wai was thinking about the feasibility of this matter, but someone's voice was getting closer and closer: "Wai Wai, Yu Mo is here, run quickly!!"

That human voice came to her in an instant, wasn't it Ye Qing?

"Why did I run away when he came? You came here for him, and I'll catch him for you now, so that you won't bother me again!" Su Waiwai replied disdainfully.

She looked at the sky in the distance, and saw that there were dark clouds covering the top, and the sky seemed to be collapsing.

"It doesn't look very good." Su Wai Wai murmured softly, hesitating whether to take back what he just said, saving his life is the most important thing.

"If you don't run, you won't be able to run. Do you think that Yumo can be dealt with by everyone? Back then, Yue Luo could only draw with him. You are a little monk, you can't control yourself!" Ye Qing Looking at the dark sky in the distance, he hesitated whether to run back to Huangquan.

He knew his own strength, and it would be difficult for him to deal with Yu Mo alone. If he added Baili Liancheng, he could only support a hundred moves at most.

Add another troublemaker, and they will lose even faster.

"Ye Qing, do we have a chance to beat Yu Mo?" Su Wai Wai asked calmly.

"What do you think?" Ye Qing replied coldly.

If it wasn't for the purpose of arresting Yumo, why would he stay here?
If Yumo can't be caught back, life will be ruined.He can't be a shrinking turtle, otherwise Huang Quan's face will be lost by him.

"If I accidentally die, you remember to put incense on my grave." Ye Qing lowered his voice.

"Didn't you die early? You were a ghost long ago, so why not die again?" Su replied with a crooked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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