Chapter 151
In the end, it was the owner of the museum who spoke, and the noise stopped.

Su Xiaoer was just sitting with her, dozing off while listening to the class.Su Wawai wrote down the essentials carefully, and found that there was finally one thing that made her concentrate so much, which was a good thing.

When the get out of class was over, all the apprentices left one after another, Su Waiwai was still reluctant to leave, so he stopped the host to ask questions.

Xu was the housekeeper who greeted her in advance, but the owner was polite and pointed out the approximate reason for her failure.Su Wai Wai wrote it down in his notebook, and walked out of the pill shop while muttering.

Seeing Su Waiwai's serious look, Su Xiaoer couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Brat, you dare to make fun of your old lady, you are tired of work, right?" Su asked Su Xiaoer sideways.

Su Xiaoer laughed loudly: "Mother is finally serious. This is the most serious time since I was born."

"I don't even think about who I'm doing it for. Our family of four are foodies, no, it's three, and that four-faced one doesn't count." When mentioning the four-faced one, her crooked eyebrows twitched into a mess.

The rotten copper and iron she picked were all good things, why did the most important spirit beast pick such an ugly monster?Why did she attack that spirit beast egg in the first place?

If she had a moonlight box and turned back time, she would definitely not touch that dead thing.

When Suwaiwai's mother and son returned home, they were not at all surprised to see spirit beasts making trouble at home again.

This time, he made trouble in the living soil cultivation field, and actually urinated on a few saplings. His stubborn and hateful appearance made Su Xiaoer, who had no violent tendencies, even itch his fist.

He casually picked up the broken sword he had picked up and threw it out, originally to vent casually, but the broken sword hit straight in the direction of the spirit beast, very accurate.

The spirit beast was so frightened that it jumped up and threatened loudly: "Xiaoer Su, you hurt me, and you will regret it one day!"

But Can Jian seemed to have spiritual energy, wherever the spirit beast hid, Can Jian would chase after it, even if the spirit beast climbed up a peach blossom tree, Can Jian would follow the track he had climbed to catch up.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai fixed his gaze, and said in amazement: "Su Xiaoer, I never thought that you would have a good eye, and you would pick up an ugly spirit sword, which is easy to use. How about this, I will tell you Change a weapon. You use my kitchen knife, I use your broken sword, the kitchen knife can match your unique little fairy temperament!"

"Mother, forget it, mother's kitchen knife is more in line with mother's cook temperament, it's better to leave it to mother." Su Xiaoer said sarcastically, looking at his old mother with disdain.

He finally had something that could be seen by others, and Su Waiwai couldn't wait to take it away, it was bad enough.

"Your mother and I clearly have the temperament of a fairy, which one is like a cook?" Su widened her beautiful eyes in reproach, feeling that apart from her ordinary face, she actually has quite a temperament, which is unforgettable at first sight.

At the moment when Suwaiwai was narcissistic, there was a voice of the spirit beast shouting for help: "Master, help, if the master doesn't make a move, I'm going to be done..."

Su Waiwai triumphantly went to the living field, stood under the peach blossom tree and said with a smile, "I'm in a bad mood now, so let me hear something nice."

"My mistress, Su Wai Wai, is the most beautiful, cutest, and caring fairy in the world..." the spirit beast blurted out a long series of flattering words.

He himself felt nauseous when he heard these words, so he didn't know whether he would accept them or not.

(End of this chapter)

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