Chapter 1511 Ghost Domain Spirit Turtle
Su Waiwai soon had a plan. She found Baili Liancheng first, and smiled at him: "Liancheng, are you free? Let's talk about your heart?!"

Baili Liancheng laughed: "Are you interested in my heart now?"

"I've always been interested, but I used to think it was a bit cruel. Thinking about it now, I suddenly feel that there is something hidden in it. Liancheng, is my guess true?" Su looked at Baili Liancheng anxiously, hoping that this man would give him a chance. She is happy.

Baili Liancheng smiled lightly and didn't answer.

Su Wai Wai asked anxiously: "Don't just laugh, talk!"

"What do you think?" Baili Liancheng did say something, Su Wai Wai wanted to vomit blood.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask you when you really want to talk. Liancheng, I can see that there is something wrong with your smile." Su Waiwai said and ran away, intending to find Ye Qing to test the tone.

She ran into the small courtyard of Su's house and raised her voice to ask: "Ye Qing, where are you?"

Ye Qing replied lazily in the room, Su Wai Wai heard it clearly, rushed into the inner room and saw Ye Qing was hugging her square pillow, with an intoxicated look on his face, looking very dirty.

"Can you stop being so obscene? Ye Qing, get up, I have something to ask you." Su Waiwai moved closer to Ye Qing and shouted at him.

Ye Qing got up reluctantly, holding the crooked square pillow in his hands.

Su Waiwai couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and snatched the square pillow, threw it back on the couch, then pulled Ye Qing out of the room, said in a deep voice, "I have something to ask you!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Qing lazily replied, his eyes fixed on Su Wai Wai Wai Wai's white hand.

She looks very cute, I always thought that women are disgusting, but everything about Su Wai Wai is good.

"Is there a ghost turtle in the ghost domain? What does that thing look like?!" Su Waiwai asked enthusiastically.

Listening to the name, you know that only Huangquan has it.The Biansheng Alchemy Collection made it very clear that the Ghost Realm Spirit Turtle is required.At first glance, it is clear that it has something to do with Ye Qing, the ghost king!

"Why should I tell you? What benefits can you give me?" Ye Qing replied very tuggingly.

Su Wai Wai was so angry that he almost couldn't bring himself to speak, he yelled at Ye Qing, "Damn man, are you going to tell me or not!"

"Don't say it!" Ye Qing replied calmly, not to say it if he didn't want to.

"How could you be like this? You don't even think about it. If it wasn't for me, would you have captured Yumo back then? It's nothing if you are ungrateful, but you still made sarcastic remarks." Su Waiwai suppressed his anger.

If it wasn't for asking for help, she would have just kicked this bastard out of her house.

"You don't even think about it, if it wasn't for you, Yumo wouldn't have escaped to Huangquan twice!" Ye Qing replied calmly, telling the hard truth.

It was this woman Su Waiwai who turned his ghost world upside down and made him a laughing stock in the Six Realms.People all over the world know that the appearance of Su Waiwai made Yu Mo crazy, and everyone also knows that it was he who let Su Waiwai enter his dungeon to play around, which caused this catastrophe.

"This is all in the past, why do we still mention it? Speaking of it, it is also a test of your ability as a ghost king. Now everyone knows that Yumo escaped twice and was caught by you, and they admire you very much. Ye Qing, let's get back to the point, what is a ghostly tortoise?!" Su Waiwai hurriedly put the topic on track, and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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