Chapter 1515 Turtle Domain Spirit Ghost: The Dragon Chair of Ghost Domain
"Didn't I say it, it's my mount, probably like the emperor's dragon chair. It's just that this turtle can move and is alive." Ye Qing replied calmly, telling the truth this time.

"Ghostland Spirit Turtle is your dragon chair? You're not lying to me, are you?!" Su asked, looking at Ye Qing foolishly, feeling a little unbelievable.

How sinful is it to sit on a turtle instead of a good chair? ! !

At this moment, Su Waiwai felt that the ghost turtle was very pitiful.

"What did I lie to you for? Can I abduct you to be my wife?" Ye Qing asked coldly, unable to stand Su Wai Wai this woman.

If he doesn't say anything, this woman, Su Wai Wai, ignores him. When he says it, this woman Su Wai Wai doesn't believe him. What kind of woman?
"That's true. I just find it strange that instead of sitting on a good chair, a turtle sits on it. As a ghost turtle, it's actually quite pitiful. It's better to use it to make elixir, so as not to waste it." Su Waiwai said and squinted at Ye Qing and smiled: "Do you think my method is good?!"

Ye Qing sneered, and slapped Su Wai Wai on the top of his head: "Not so good!"

"Then did I see that turtle when I went back to Huangquan?" Su Wai Wai asked again.

The last time she went to the Ghost Realm and wandered around, she may or may not have seen it.

"Of course I have. Every time you bother me, I sit on it." Ye Qing replied with a faint smile, waiting for Su Wai Wai to startle.

Su Waiwai screamed again, and it really lived up to his expectations.

"Yes, but why does it look like a chair? Didn't you say it can move? If I saw it, I should be able to tell that it was a turtle." Su Wai Wai muttered.

She carefully recalled the previous time when she was looking for Ye Qing, every time Ye Qing sat upright, she didn't realize that he was sitting on a turtle.

"It can indeed move, but the moment I sit on it, it doesn't move anymore, it's just a chair." Ye Qing explained patiently.

Ghostland Spirit Turtle naturally has its particularity, otherwise, how could it become the most unique dragon chair in the world?
Even the Emperor of Heaven couldn't possibly have a chair like the Spirit Turtle.

"Is it very spiritual? Is it because of the spirit turtle that you can go to the human world during the day?" Su Wai Wai asked with burning eyes.

Ye Qing was slightly taken aback, looking at Su Wai Wai foolishly, he didn't expect this woman to ask such a question.

"You, how do you know?" Ye Qing muttered, this time he was intimidated by this woman Su Wai Wai.

She was able to explain the mystery in one word.The most powerful part of the Ghostland Spirit Turtle is its strong aura.Huangquan is a place with a lot of yin, even if he is a ghost king, he will inevitably be tainted with a lot of yin if he stays for a long time. If he goes to a place with a lot of yang like the human world, it will hurt his true nature.

The ghost tortoise has the ability to replenish aura, which is one of the assists that he can freely come and go between the human world, the ghost domain, and even the other four worlds.

"Of course it's because I'm smart." Su Wai Wai said with a smile.

She knew that the Ghost Land Spirit Turtle must have its own uniqueness in order to refine the Nine Revolving Pills.

If she could refine the eight-turn pill and the nine-turn pill at one time, it would be difficult for her to become a fairy, right? !
Su Waiwai was thinking of her own wishful thinking, and she didn't know how to deceive the Ghost Land Spirit Turtle.Of course, she didn't want to take away the Ghostland Spirit Turtle, she just wanted to take some of its flesh, or its aura, which was her ultimate goal.

(End of this chapter)

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