Chapter 1524 A family experiment

Early the next morning, the four of Su's family reported the results of their research to Su Waiwai.

"The first possibility, the spirit turtle means that its shell can make alchemy, but if you want to remove the shell, it is not called a spirit turtle, and it may not survive; the second possibility is that the stomach of the spirit turtle can Alchemy, but if you lose its stomach, you won't be able to survive." Su Xiaoer said this and looked at Su Waiwai who was drinking tea.

Su Waiwai waited for a while and saw that Su Xiaoer had nothing to say, so he said impatiently: "Continue!"

Su Xiaoer coughed: "Mother, does the spirit turtle mean something else? According to our research, no matter which part of its body is removed, the spirit turtle will not survive."

"Isn't it just using the spirit turtle to make alchemy? It's impossible to use the air around it to make alchemy, right?" Su Wai Wai replied calmly, disapproving.

She felt that she should use the spirit turtle to make alchemy.Anyway, the turtle is not likable, some parts are used to make alchemy, and some parts are directly used to make soup, which must nourish the body.

"Mother, I'm serious, mother, don't always be fooling around, okay?" Su Xiaoer reluctantly squeezed into Su Waiwai's side and sat down, pursing her mouth.

Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer intently, as if she was watching the second version of Bei Yueluo acting like a baby to her.

She shook Su Xiaoer's little hand and said, "Why is my son so beautiful?"

The other three children of the Su family shook their heads at the same time when they heard the words.

He also said that they are narcissistic, and Su Wai Wai is the most narcissistic in this family.

"Mother, we're talking about business." Su Xiaoer couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.He was clearly talking about spirit turtles just now, how could he bring the topic to him in the blink of an eye?

"Yes, I'm telling you something serious. Can't you see how seriously I'm talking about your good looks?" Su Wai Wai replied disapprovingly.She couldn't take her eyes off Su Xiaoer's face at all, because it was so pretty.

"Okay, let's talk about the spirit turtle. Mother is the smartest, so she must know what the spirit turtle wants to express." Su Xiaoer only followed his mother's words.

You must not confront his mother, otherwise his mother can go further.

Su Wai Wai was very happy to hear this, she nodded with a smile: "That's right. Of course I, Su Wai Wai, is the most unfathomable in the Su family. How about this, let's take every part of the spirit turtle Take it all down..."

The fourth child of the Su family was speechless.Doing this, can the turtle still live?
"Look at the expressions of the four of you? Are you thinking about it? It must be because your hearts are dark, and your thinking is off. Let's go, I will direct you to get the parts of the spirit turtle!" Su Wai Wai said He stood up and went in the direction of the spirit turtle.

The tortoise ran away when it saw her.Su Waiwai had no choice but to let the two handsome men, big and small, of their family go out, and she would direct from the side.

After that, the fourth child of Su's family understood the meaning of Su Wai Wai's words. It turned out that it was an experience gained from Su Fu, scraping a little bit of fur from every part of the spirit turtle's body.

After scraping, they found a miracle. The turtle seemed to have a layer of powder on its body, especially the back, which had a lot of powder, which was still there after scraping.

Su Waiwai nodded after looking at it: "I knew I was smart. So, you can't accept it!"

After this battle, she probably confirmed one thing, the spirit turtle was referring to the powder on her back.The powder has a very strong aura, Ye Qing is sitting on the back of the spirit turtle...

(End of this chapter)

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