Chapter 1527 Betrayal
"Baili Liancheng, you eat first." Ye Qing thought for a while, and finally decided to find someone to test the waters for the dead ghost.

Even if there is something wrong with the food, eating it will poison people to death, and Baili Liancheng will be finished first.

Baili Liancheng glanced at Ye Qing, he opened his mouth to take a bite, and quickly ate it.

Ye Qing has been paying attention to Baili Liancheng's expression, but he couldn't figure out what Baili Liancheng's expression represented after watching for a long time.

Is Baili Liancheng good at pretending, or is this dish okay?
Ye Qing didn't know whether to put down the chopsticks, he graciously put a chopstick dish into Xiaosan's bowl, Xiaosan looked at it once, then put it into his mouth without changing expression.

Ye Qing did the same thing, he put all the vegetables in the bowl of Su's house, but everyone had the same expression, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

This time, Ye Qing was completely relieved.

It's okay for so many people to eat it, which proves that the food can be eaten.He really doesn't pick and choose, as long as he can eat, he can eat it.Of course, you can't expect Su Waiwai to have cooking skills like Xiaosan, because it is impossible, even if Su Waiwai is reincarnated, it is impossible for Su Waiwai to have such good cooking skills.

Ye Qing immediately found a green vegetable and ate it safely, he thought it was fine, but when he tasted a strange taste, he couldn't help but vomit it out.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Qing, and everyone's expressions were the same, that is, they were very disdainful.

"How can you eat such an unpalatable dish?" Ye Qing asked everyone, really unable to figure out the reason.

"You are wrong, Master's cooking skills have improved a lot now, much better than before." Xiao San replied calmly, disdainful of Ye Qing's fuss.

If Ye Qing had eaten Su Wai Wai's fried dishes before, Ye Qing would not have such doubts today, which means that Ye Qing has never seen the world.

Seeing Ye Qing's exaggerated reaction, Su Waiwai asked softly, "Ye Qing, is it so unpalatable?"

"It's very, very, very bad, I can't eat this meal!" Ye Qing turned around and left the dining room as he said.

He walked to the door and looked back, only to see the whole family eating.Although most of the group eats plain rice, there are still some people who are not afraid of death to eat vegetables, such as Su's Fourth Elementary School and Baili Liancheng.

A room full of freaks, they can all eat like this, Ye Qing sighed, far away from the dining room.

On the second day, Ye Qing suddenly knew why the Su family, including Baili Liancheng, could eat such unpalatable food, it was entirely due to the evil forces of Su Wai Wai.

Just because he didn't give Su Waiwai face yesterday, Su Waiwai held a grudge and refused to let him step into the dining room.

Seeing that the family inside was eating happily, but he was starving, Ye Qing felt sad.

After all, he is the King of Ghosts, why should he suffer in Su's house and be looked down upon?It shouldn't be like this.

What's more, Su Wai Wai has something to ask of him.

Ye Qing thought about this, and felt that he should declare war on Su Wai Wai.

He found the Ghost Realm Spirit Turtle, and said softly, "Let's go, go back to the Ghost Realm with me!"

In the past, the spirit turtle would have no objection, and obediently followed him back to Huangquan.This time it was just the opposite, the spirit turtle lay motionless on the ground lazily.

Seeing this, Ye Qing became angry, and shouted angrily at Spirit Turtle: "Could it be that you're looking at the poor place of Su's house, and you want to stay here forever?!"

The spirit turtle still didn't move, Ye Qing tried unwillingly for [-] quarters of an hour, still the same result.At this moment, Su Waiwai entered with the pill, and the spirit turtle suddenly threw himself into Su Waiwai's arms happily.

(End of this chapter)

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