Chapter 1532
Su Wai Wai stared dumbfounded, swallowed hard, unable to utter a word.

She never thought that the heart could be taken out of the body like this. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would not have believed that such a thing existed.

In fact, this is a matter of course. After all, he is a Demon Lord with great abilities. Nothing is impossible.

"Waiwai, catch it." Seeing that Su Waiwai was still acting stupid, Baili Liancheng hurriedly said to her.

Su Waiwai didn't dare to pick it up, so he murmured: "Let, let Xiaosan come and pick it up."

As a result, Xiao San, a coward, hid directly behind her, looking like a bear, how could he look like the king of beasts?
"Master, I don't dare!" After Xiaoqing finished speaking, she also hid behind Xiaosan.

Everyone looked at that exquisite heart curiously. It was crystal clear and not too big. It trembled slightly in the palm of Baili Liancheng, and it looked so scary.

"Master, I'll pick it up." In the end, it was Xiao Ba who came out and took the still beating exquisite heart.

Su Waiwai breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the two spirit beasts hiding behind him: "Look at Xiao Ba, learn more from him. Not only is he good-looking, he has first-class character, and he is even more courageous than you two." , knowledgeable and courageous, when you two are as capable as Xiaoba, I don't need to worry about you!"

"No way, the master never worries about us, he knows how to eat and sleep all day long!" Xiao San replied disdainfully.What does speaking sound better than singing?It was a woman like Su Wai Wai.

Su Wai Wai glanced coldly at Xiao San, who immediately fell silent, not daring to raise any further objections.

Su Waiwai is a tyrant, and the tyrant will definitely not let people say anything wrong about her. If they have grievances, they can only swallow them in their stomachs.

"Liancheng, I suddenly thought of a question, if I can't get the eight-turn pill this time, can I still get it..." Su Waiwai said, looking at Baili Liancheng's chest.

She knew that she was a little greedy, but what if she failed to refine the Eight Rank Pill?If I want another exquisite heart, what should I do?
"Mother, brother Baili's vitality is seriously injured now, and he needs to recover." Su Xiaoer reminded from the side, seeing that Baili Liancheng's face was extremely pale.

Only then did Su Wawai realize that Baili Liancheng's expression was different, and hurriedly said: "Liancheng, I'll help you in to rest!"

"I'm not in the way, it's just that I've hurt some of my energy, that's inevitable, just a little bit of luck." Baili Liancheng was afraid of being worried, forced a smile and parted his lips.

Su Wai Wai pursed her lips and nodded, then helped Baili Liancheng into the house to adjust her breath.

It took three days for Baili Liancheng to make a seat.

Su Waiwai didn't have a good rest for the past three days, because she was afraid that if something happened to Baili Liancheng, she wouldn't be able to pay back a Demon Lord to Demon City.

It wasn't until Baili Liancheng came out that she was completely relieved, and hurriedly asked Xiaosan to bring the soup.

"Liancheng, this is the heart-reinforcing soup that I asked Xiaosan to cook for you. It's very nourishing for your body!" Su smiled crookedly, and handed the soup to Baili Liancheng.

Baili Liancheng wanted to tell Su Waiwai that he didn't need to mend his heart and that there was no serious problem, but when he saw Su Waiwai's earnest eyes, he couldn't bear to disappoint her.

He quickly finished the soup, and Su Waiwai hurriedly took the soup bowl and asked, "Is it delicious? Do you want to drink it? Xiaosan boiled a big pot, and I won't allow him to move if he wants to drink!"

Xiaosan nodded in agreement: "That's right, the master will treat Boss Baili well, and leave all good things to Boss Baili!"

(End of this chapter)

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