Chapter 1535 The entire Xiuxian Sect moved to the Immortal Realm...

"Su Xiaoer, do I have gray hair? Why do I feel like I've been sitting here for a long time?" Su Waiwai asked Su Xiaoer while taking time to make alchemy.

The life of alchemy is so boring, can she take a short errand, go out for a walk and come back to practice?
"It's been three months, when will the master refine the elixir?" Xiaosan also felt bored, and ran into the Nocturnal Dream space to reply.

"There is no sign of alchemy yet, just wait." Su Waiwai replied, and winked at Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer responded and left, and then drove Xiaosan out of the Last Dream Space.

Time passed quickly, and Su Waiwai was finally determined, and the eight-rank pill knot was nowhere in sight.

"I'll go out for a walk, Su Xiaoer, just watch from the sidelines." After Su Waiwai finished speaking, she quickly left the Space of Last Dreams.

Ye Qing, who was bored basking in the sun, saw Su Wai Wai appearing, he was both surprised and happy to meet him and asked: "Wai Wai, has the pill been refined yet?!"

Alchemy so quickly?It's only half a year.Su Waiwai, this woman is really extraordinary, once she made a move, she made the elixir within half a year.

"It's a good idea, there is no sign of alchemy yet." Su Waiwai replied angrily.

If it was so fast to form a pill, she would have gone crazy with joy.

"Then why did you come out? Wai Wai, you can't be so irresponsible. If you accidentally fail to make a pill, do you have to ask Baili Liancheng for a heart? Do you think getting a heart is as easy as eating?!" Ye Qing said The volume continued to increase, and Chao Suwaiwai roared loudly.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. It takes time to refine the eight-turn pills and nine-turn pills, and it can't be done in a day. Because the materials have spiritual energy, it is very difficult to make pills. I just hope that I can make more. Leave some for senior sisters and senior uncles from time to time, so that they too can quickly become immortals." Su Wai Wai said with a yearning look on her face.

"You have such a beautiful idea. Do you think that eight-turn pills and nine-turn pills are so easy to refine, and you can make a bunch of them casually? Do you still want to move the entire cultivation of immortals to the fairy world?" Ye Qing asked with a sneer road.

Yisu Waiwai, this woman likes a lively temperament, so she is likely to do such a stupid thing. This woman thinks that cultivating immortality is easy, and she can ascend to immortality casually.

"I do have this plan, but how many pills to refine is out of my control. I'm most afraid that the final pills won't be enough for our family of five. If so, what should I do?" Su Waiwai was tangled asked.

Nine-turn alchemy can be refined again, but eight-turn pill requires the heart of Baili Liancheng. Although Baili Liancheng still has eight hearts, it is the result of the demon king's practice for generations. She can't be so selfish.

"It's good that you know it!" Ye Qing said crookedly: "You should focus on refining alchemy instead of just playing around!"

Su Waiwai didn't refute this time, she felt that Ye Qing's words were reasonable.The eight-turn pill is more difficult to refine than the nine-turn pill, she can't waste such a good opportunity.

She rushed back to the space of the Last Dream, and continued to refine alchemy.

Baili Liancheng only showed up when he saw that Su Waiwai had returned to the Space of the Last Dream.

"Just now you didn't come out when she was here, you only came when she left, isn't that a waste?" Ye Qing shook his head and walked away.

A man like Baili Liancheng is too difficult to understand, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand.

"I'm afraid it will affect her alchemy." Baili Liancheng whispered.

He wanted to see her when he didn't see her, and he didn't dare to see her when he could see her. Later, when he became a fairy, he had to fly across the world to find her in the fairy world if he wanted to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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