Chapter 1541 Horcrux Collector

"Ye, let me out!!" Su Waiwai yelled out while sitting in the bowl.

What is it?Why can't she climb out of the bowl no matter how hard she tries?
"Wai Wai, if you promise me not to leave Huangquan, I'll let you go. Otherwise, I can't let you go!" Ye Qing was sipping tea while making his own wishful thinking.

He didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't keep Suwaiwai like this, and he didn't believe that he couldn't keep a woman like this.

"Okay, I promise you." Su Wai Wai agreed without saying a word.

This is not a difficult thing, the big deal is to go back on it.

Ye Qing laughed when he heard this: "Wai Wai, you don't have any sincerity in what you said, I think you, a woman, replied too quickly, it's unbelievable."

Su Wai Wai specializes in treachery, and she responded too quickly just now, so she can't let Su Wai Wai go in the future.

"Then how do you want me to answer, is it possible that if I say no, you will let me go?" Su Wai Wai said angrily.What is this called, she agreed to it but called it insincere, Ye Qing is hard to serve.

"Then tell me, do you really want to stay by my side?" Ye Qing asked calmly.

Su Waiwai thought about it carefully, then shook her head and replied, "Of course not, I was forced by you."

"This sentence is quite honest. Wai Wai, don't worry, you stay here for a while. When the time is up, I will let you out, and I will go to rest first." Ye Qing said and walked away.

"Come back, bastard surnamed Ye, come back to me..." Su Wai Wai yelled anxiously, but it was a pity that Ye Qing had gone far away, so he just dumped her in the pot and went to have a good time by himself.

Su Waiwai sat weakly in the pot, shook his head and sighed: "The one surnamed Ye is not a human being. He actually threw me in such a ghostly place to eat and drink by himself. I curse him for being inhumane!"

It's so annoying, even if you want to abandon her, you have to say a few words to her before leaving.

I can't sleep well in this ghost place.

Su Wai Wai curled up, found a position that she thought was more comfortable, and soon fell into a dream, and talked to the Dream God.

"Master, I've said so much, can you, old man, comfort me a little?" Su Waiwai looked at Mengshen feebly and asked.

"Girl, I can't help you. No matter how much you say, it's useless. This is a Horcrux. There are not many people, immortals and demons in the world who can escape it. It is reasonable for you to be caught. Tell me , why don't you go to the ghost king and ask him to let you out!" Mengshen replied leisurely.

These are the truth, not that he is unwilling to help, but that he cannot help.

"Could it be that this thing can't be used to control demons?" Su Waiwai asked curiously, thinking of a possibility.

Pushing her into a hurry, she urged Yu Mo to escape from prison again, and asked Yu Mo to rescue her from this Horcrux.

"If it can subdue Yumo, the ghost king will not let Yumo escape again and again." Mengshen laughed.

"Master said it was a soul search tool, but now that this thing has taken my people in, will my soul fly away?" Su Wai Wai asked with her beautiful eyes widening as she thought of a big event.

"Don't worry, the Ghost King has his own measure and won't take your life. You'd better go back and don't bother me." Dream God said and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Su Waiwai quickly blocked his way, hugged his arm and acted like a baby: "Master, talk to me, I lie in that thing to have a good chat." If someone chatted and laughed with her, she wouldn't come looking for Meng god.

(End of this chapter)

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