Chapter 1554 Xiaoqing Transformation (1)

"Haosheng advises your mother, your mother is the heart of a child." An An urged a few more words worriedly, and then left the small courtyard of Su's family.

Seeing An'an leave, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing came back immediately, wanting to run to Suwaiwai to remind them of their existence.

Su Xiaoer naturally knew what the two spirit beasts were up to, he stopped them, and said earnestly: "You two, stop making trouble. Let my mother be quiet, and when she figured it out, it's just time to become a fairy and transform into a shape." The problem. If you make me mad, let alone transforming, it is possible to turn you into monsters."

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, and felt that this made sense.

Su Wai Wai is easy to deal with, everything goes her way and makes her happy, so naturally everything is easy to handle.

"I'll cook delicious food. The master likes it the most. Maybe he will enjoy eating it, and then he won't play petty temper." Xiaosan said and ran away in a hurry.

Xiaoqing felt that this was reasonable, so she also ran into the kitchen to help.

On this day, Su Waiwai didn't have lunch, she was still struggling, until the aroma of food came from the dining room, she managed to pull herself together.

I saw that the family had already sat down, and everyone was sitting upright. Looking at them, eating seemed like a very big event.

Seeing her coming, all of them got up together, almost bowing to her.

After Su Waiwai took his seat, he was dumbfounded when he saw the various dishes on the table.

It doesn't mean how rich the dishes are. After all, it's Xiao San who cooks. The dishes he cooks taste good, but he never pays attention to the presentation. Today is different.

Every dish has been carefully thought out, because each dish has a "heart" pattern on it.

"Master must be hungry, eat quickly." Seeing that Su Wai Wai was acting stupid, the mistress hurriedly added a big bowl of rice to Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai looked at all the "heart"-shaped patterns, and was a little afraid to put down his chopsticks: "I, I don't think it's good to break the heart."

"Mother, it's okay, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing's heart is just for mother to eat." Su Xiaoer replied with a suppressed smile.

Before, I thought Xiaoqing and Xiaosan were naive, but now I feel that these two guys are usually annoying, but they can still come in handy at critical moments.

Su Waiwai looked at Xiaosan and Xiaoqing, thinking that they would push her to practice again, but they all put vegetables in her bowl, and it wasn't as noisy as usual.

"Do you really want to turn into a fairy?" Su Waiwai couldn't help asking.

Xiaosan was about to nod to tell the truth, but Su Xiaoer kicked him, and he could only reply out of conscience: "There is no rush to transform into a fairy, the master will figure it out."

"Yeah, as long as our family is together, it doesn't matter whether we're in the human world or the fairy world." Xiao Ba said, grabbing vegetables into Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai's bowl.

"You are all well-behaved, I am the one who is sorry for you." Su Wai Wai frowned.

Maybe Xiaoba is right, no matter the human world or the fairy world, their family will always be together.

It is difficult to have both in the world. When you gain something, you are doomed to lose something. These are destiny and cannot be violated.

For a while, the atmosphere in the dining room became dull again.Everyone saw that Su Wai Wai was not happy, and they couldn't be happy either.

Baili Liancheng looked at the Su family from a distance and could not help smiling.

Su Waiwai is an emotional person, maybe her process of cultivating immortality is different from other monks. Other monks have lost their emotions, but Su Waiwai is just the opposite. She has not changed, and she still attaches great importance to emotions. Can't compare.

(End of this chapter)

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