Chapter 1558 Xiaoqing Transformation (5)

"Didn't you still talk about the pain just now? Now I'm still in the mood to fight with Xiaosan. It seems that the pain is not very severe." Su Xiaoer frowned, looking serious.

When Xiaoqing heard this, she remembered that she was still in pain.

He fell to the ground again, rolling around, his appearance was extremely exaggerated, which stunned the Su family.

"Su Xiaoer, what do you think we should do?" Su Waiwai looked at Xiaoqing who was rolling happily, and worried, wondering whether Xiaoqing's pain was faking, otherwise why could she roll so happily?
"Mother, why don't you go to retreat, I'll take care of Xiaoqing." Su Xiaoer thought that Su Waiwai was impatient, so she replied.

"No, don't, master don't want to leave!" Xiaoqing quickly stepped forward, hugging Su's crooked thigh.

"Don't be like this, it doesn't look good, I just don't leave for now." Seeing this, Su Waiwai didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Those who didn't know thought she was Xiaoqing's mother, but after investigation, she was almost the same as Xiaoqing's mother, after all, they were both raised by her.If Xiaoqing is in form this time, it would be bad to miss the time of his incarnation.

"Really?" Xiao Qing asked with tears of gratitude, looking at Su Wai Wai foolishly.

Su Waiwai nodded vigorously: "Of course it is true. I also think that you may be an incarnation. Just bear with it a little bit, and it will pass soon."

Hearing this, Xiao Qing simply leaned on Su's crooked thigh to rest, panting and said: "Xiao Ba doesn't hurt when he transforms into form, why does it hurt as soon as he arrives here? If I had known this, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of it. Shaped!"

Xiaosan was very annoyed at the side, and said sarcastically: "As far as your virtue is concerned, do you think you can control yourself by transforming or not? I think Xiaoqing is going to be wiped out this time, definitely not transforming!"

What annoyed him the most was why both Xiao Ba and Xiao Qing ran ahead of him, why didn't this make him feel heartbroken?

"Master, mistress, Xiaosan bullied me." This time, Xiaoqing hugged Su's crooked thigh and acted like a baby, and looked at mistress sternly.

Xiaosan was jealous, and stepped forward to pull Xiaoqing away: "Shameless, is the master's mother your mother? The little master is here, and you have the nerve to speak in such a disgusting tone..."

Before Xiaosan finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Xiaoqing's scream. His face was twisted and ferocious again, and even his body was constantly changing.

Su Waiwai was a little scared, suddenly pushed Xiaoqing away, and ran to watch.

It turns out that transformation is such a painful thing, why is it so easy when Xiaoba transforms?
"Master, don't abandon me, I, I'm so uncomfortable!!" Xiaoqing suddenly let out another long whistle while talking.

The howling sound shook the sky, as if breaking through the sky, piercing everyone's eardrums to buzz.

"It's so noisy!" Xiaosan looked at Xiaoqing with disdain, thinking that this person deserved to suffer like this.

Anyone who transforms before him is not a good person, especially Xiaoqing.

"Little San, don't irritate Xiaoqing anymore. Is it painful to see him? He took shape before you. It's just good luck. I don't know what you have to be jealous of." Seeing that Xiaosan is endless, go to He patted his animal head and asked: "Xiaoqing reacted after eating the elixir, how about you, did you react?"

Xiaosan heard the words, drooped the beast's head, and hugged Suwaiwai's waist tightly: "Master, why didn't I react at all after eating the elixir? Could it be that I ate too little, why don't you give me some more?!"

(End of this chapter)

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