Chapter 1568
"Little master looks so good-looking." Xiaosan looked at the pink Su Xiaoer, and couldn't help kissing him on the cheek.

Su Waiwai's eyes were slightly hot, Su Xiaoer was indeed good-looking, but something happened during the cultivation process somehow.If life is in danger, should Su Xiaoer continue to practice?
Since then, Xiaosan has been hugging Su Xiaoer, and after several hours, Su Waiwai went to Xiaosan and said, "Get tired, I'll hug him."

Xiaosan's hands were really sore, and she was afraid that Su Xiaoer would have another problem, so she hesitated whether to give Su Waiwai or not.

Seeing his hesitation, Su Wai Wai said again: "If there is a problem, you can hug him again."

Xiaosan nodded immediately, and gave Su Xiaoer to Su Waiwai.

The moment Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer, Su Xiaoer opened his eyes, and seeing that it was Su Waiwai, he got into her arms: "Mother..."

"Is there anything uncomfortable?" Su Wai Wai asked nervously.

Su Xiaoer shook his head: "No."

Su Waiwai was relieved.

That night, Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer to bed, and Xiaosan was waiting outside. As for the distinguished guests of Su's family, Su Waiwai had no time to greet them.

A few days later, Su Xiaoer remained safe and sound, as if she had returned to normal.

Su Waiwai was in the mood now, and asked Xiaosan to prepare a table of food and wine, and she invited the guests present to sit down.

Especially Xia Hou, she felt as if she hadn't seen him in several lifetimes.

"Xia Hou, I respect you!" Su Wai Wai replaced tea with wine, full of pride and authenticity.

"No sincerity." Xia Hou replied coldly, and drank a glass of wine by himself.

Su Waiwai glanced at the tea in the cup, there was nothing she could do about it, she didn't drink well, she would be ashamed if she drank.Just in case, it would be safer for her to drink tea.

The atmosphere during the banquet was not lively, everyone was absorbed in eating, and Su Waiwai occasionally said a few words, but no one spoke.

Seeing that the atmosphere was strange, Su Waiwai finished eating in a hurry and dragged Su Xiaoer out of the dining room.

As for Xiaoqing, she has long since disappeared. Su Waiwai walked out of the small courtyard of Su's house, and followed his smell.Not long after, she found Xiaoqing among the women.

This philandering radish, why did their Su family produce such a playboy?Seeing Xiaoqing hugging left and right, she was furious.

"Xiaoqing is serious, he can't live without women all day long, and when he goes to the fairyland, there won't be so many women who love him, how will he live?" Su Xiaoer carefully observed his words and expressions, and saw that his mother was not in a good mood. .

"Su Xiaoer, you can't learn from Xiaoqing in the future. This guy is too shameless, I have to teach him a lesson!" Su Waiwai frowned and replied, and was about to go to grab Xiaoqing back, but Su Xiaoer grabbed her The front said: "Xiaoqing is my spirit beast, why don't I educate him?"

As Su Xiaoer said, he already walked towards Xiaoqing first.

"Xiaoqing!!" Su Xiaoer raised his voice.

When he heard it was Su Xiaoer's voice, Xiaoqing didn't take it seriously, as long as it wasn't Su Waiwai, he was not afraid of anyone.

He had just finished thinking when he saw Su Xiaoer get into the crowd of women, look at him with his hips on his hips, glaring.

"What is the master's order?" Xiaoqing said without sincerity, enjoying a female cultivator on her lap feeding fruit, such a good life, so happy.

"Let go of so many sisters and come back with me!" Su Xiaoer yelled sharply, putting on a face of a late lady.

"These are all beauties, I can't bear to let go." Xiao Qing touched the tender cheeks of a female nun as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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