Chapter 1572 Xia Hou suffers from depression
"From now on, I will concentrate on cultivating immortals and strive to be in the immortal class as soon as possible." Xiaoqing said with a long sigh, suddenly feeling disheartened.

No one really treats him well. It seems that in the end, only Xiao San, the guy who often contradicts him, can have a few words with him.

"That's right. Women are unreliable, and it's important for us to do business. We'll be gods in the future, so we can't talk about love, right?" Seeing that the task was completed, Xiao San happily wanted to enter the house.

Xiaoqing looked at Xiaosan's coquettish back, and asked with a sneer: "Then you said that when the master enters the fairyland, will she fall in love with Boss Bei?"

Xiaosan paused and thought carefully: "No. Because Boss Bei is in the God Realm, and Master is in the Immortal Realm, so it's hard to see each other."

Besides, Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Cultivation is not for the sake of romance...

Thinking of this, Xiao San realized that he was wrong.It seems that the purpose of cultivating immortality at the beginning is to live a long life and live forever.Later, when she saw Bei Yue Luo, she was so fascinated that she became dizzy, and even more determined to become a fairy.

Anyway, Su's family members are not normal, even when they want to retreat and practice in the end, accidents happen frequently.

When having lunch that day, Xiaosan expressed her doubts: "Master, is it useful for us to retreat like this? I'm afraid that I won't be able to transform because of my little master and Xiaoqing."

Xiaoqing and Su Xiaoer interrupted his practice only after cultivating a little bit of closed-door emotion. If this continues, it may not be good for him.

"Xiahou, eat more." Su Waiwai put vegetables into Xiahou's bowl, and smiled flatteringly at him.

Since Xia Hou came, she has been quiet all the time, as if suffering from depression, which made her a little worried.

Xia Hou didn't reply, didn't look at Su Waiwai, just buried himself in his meal.

Seeing that Ye Qing felt uncomfortable, he coughed lightly, reminding Su Wai Wai of his existence.

Who knows that Su Wai Wai kept putting vegetables into Xia Hou's bowl without even looking at him.

This fact made him very sad.

"Waiwai, bring me some food?" Ye Qing only reminded.

"You are such an adult, won't you coerce yourself? I haven't said that you went to my house to eat and waste my food." Su Waiwai replied angrily.

Ye Qing let out a long sigh when he heard the words.No way, this is differential treatment.

Who wouldn't pretend to be depressed?If I had known that he didn't speak, I would learn from Xia Hou, otherwise Su Wai Wai would not treat him like this.

Afterwards, Su Wai Wai replaced the wine with tea, and offered a cup to the four beautiful men present, as a thank you for their kindness.

After lunch, Su Wai Wai pulled the four men out of the house and said, "Go back, today's lunch is a farewell banquet. I will continue to practice in seclusion. You go back and do business, don't waste any more time for me." .”

She felt that she had delayed these four men too much, and she felt really sorry for asking them to worry about her even at this time.

Just like Xia Hou, a good-looking sunny young man, now suffering from depression, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

Everyone didn't speak, Su Waiwai saw this, frowned and said: "I said you should give me a word!"

Everyone didn't speak, did they listen to what she said?

The four men remained silent and said nothing: "Anyway, I'm going to retreat. I don't know how long it will take this time. It's your business to waste your time here. That's all I have to say!"

As she said, she cupped her hands and stepped inside.

After entering, she hid in the crack of the door and looked at the four men lined up outside. There was no sign of them moving...

(End of this chapter)

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