Chapter 1577

Xiao San was so moved that he died, he hugged everyone present very impolitely, wishing he could take away the warmth from them and take away the chill from himself.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao San gradually became tired, and finally fell asleep in Su Wai Wai's arms.

Su Waiwai helped Xiao San cover the quilt tightly, and let the others rest. She was afraid of waking Xiao San, so she hugged him to sleep on the spot.

Su Wai Wai woke up again because he was being watched all the time, wasn't it Xiao San?

"Master is so good-looking." Xiaosan said and quickly pressed a kiss on Suwaiwai's face, smiling from ear to ear.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw himself leaning on Su Wai Wai's arms, as if he saw his own mother.

He thought that no spirit beast in the world could be as happy as the spirit beasts of their Su family, so Su Waiwai put the three of them in the same position as Su Xiaoer.

"Are you all right?" Su Waiwai checked Xiao San's whole body, and found that his body temperature had returned to normal, and his face was no longer blue.

It's just that at first glance, his body seems to be round again.

Of course, she wisely did not reveal this fact.

After all, Xiaosan is very fragile and cares about her appearance the most. If she tells the truth, she will make him sad and worried again, right?

"I'm fine, but I'm very hungry. I'll cook something delicious." Xiaosan said and went to the kitchen.

He stopped after only a few steps, and stopped in place, his back was a little stiff.

Su Waiwai raised her heart, "Little San, what's wrong?"

Should it happen again?
"Master, I, there seems to be something wrong with me." Xiaosan didn't dare to move, could it be just his illusion?
Su Wai shuddered, and rushed to Xiao San, only to see that his eyes were as red as iron, and his face was as red as a pig's liver.Even his body keeps expanding and looks scary.

"Master, I'm so scared. Is my body going to explode?!" Xiaosan still stood still and didn't dare to move. He raised his hands and found that his hands were like red faces, and the palms were constantly shaking. Zoom in and it looks ugly and scary.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, didn't we successfully raise the temperature for you before? At worst, let's cool it down this time." Su Waiwai let out a scream as she spoke, attracting the third child of the Su family to come to the third child.

The moment they saw Xiaosan, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Master, Xiao San is probably going to transform. His body has always been abnormal. This time, he may suffer some crimes." Seeing Xiao San's appearance, Xiao Ba understood, and probably knew Xiao San's body. Why is it suddenly abnormal.

When Xiaosan heard that he was about to transform, he also screamed: "I don't want to transform so quickly!!"

He didn't want to turn into an ugly man, especially looking at his current body, he knew that he couldn't be good-looking, and he might turn into a big fat man.

Can he not change his form and bear this animal body for the rest of his life?

"Stupid boy. Didn't you always talk about turning into a beautiful man, but now that the opportunity comes, you don't want it." When Su Waiwai heard that Xiao San wanted to transform into a form, she was quite excited, and hurriedly dragged Xiao San to her small treasury.

"Master's mother is really good at hiding. He actually hid all the treasures in this place. No wonder Xiao San and I couldn't find them after searching." Xiaoqing shook her head and sighed when she saw the small treasury hidden under the root of the peach blossom tree.

It made sense that they couldn't play with Su Wai Wai, such a hidden place made Su Wai Wai think of it.

"I didn't hide these well, and you all stole them all." Su Wai Wai hummed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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