Chapter 1591 Crossing Tribulation and Ascension (2)

Seeing that the Su family has entered the final sprint stage of closed entry, the one with the most complicated mood is Xiahou.

He finally rushed in, grabbed Su Wai Wai and said, "Wai Wai, chat with me a few words before retreating!"

I always wanted to have a few words with Su Waiwai, but due to various reasons, this matter was delayed again and again, so that since he came to Xiuxianmen, he was unable to have a few words alone with Su Waiwai.

Su Waiwai had no objection, and followed Xia Hou out of the small courtyard of Su's house. The two walked forward side by side without speaking.

After being silent for a while, Xia Hou paused, turned his eyes to the woman beside him, and looked carefully at her.

Now Su Waiwai's whole body is full of aura, her beautiful eyes are shining with hope, her spirit is flying high, this face is beautiful and moving.If this retreat is successful, he doesn't know when he will see this woman again.

"Xiahou, are you still blaming me?" Su Waiwai was the first to break the silence and asked hoarsely.

She has always wanted to ask this question, but she couldn't ask it. This time may be the only chance.

Xia Hou laughed when he heard the words: "If I still blame you, how can you comfort me, how about a sweet kiss?"

His words drew Su Waiwai's punch, and Xia Hou took advantage of the situation to pull her into his arms: "I never blamed you. I just think that God is not too fair, and you are not fair, and never give me the slightest chance."

But later, she gradually figured out the fact that Su Waiwai would leave sooner or later, and she was never born for him, so why should he worry about it?

These years, I originally wanted to take time to forget this woman, but later found that I couldn't forget it at all.

If this is the final result, it's not bad.

After Su Waiwai's ascension, he will also come to earnestly cultivate immortality. Then he will go to the Immortal Realm to visit Su Waiwai, and it will be enough to visit him every now and then.

The two hug each other quietly, forming a beautiful scene when the leaves are flying.

The other three men watched from afar, both admiring and jealous, none of them were able to get so close to Su Wai Wai, but Xia Hou took advantage of it.

"Wai Wai is true, I don't know how to push Xia Hou away, I'm clearly taking advantage of her." Ye Qing rushed forward as he spoke, and Su Fu followed after seeing this.

The two men broke out at the same time, and each pulled the other, abruptly separating the man and woman who were hugging each other.

Ye Qing was lucky, he pulled Su Wai Wai, took the opportunity to hug her delicate body tightly.

Of course Su Wai Wai struggled at the first moment, Ye Qing hugged him even tighter, and said with a smile on his face: "Wai Wai, don't do this, you let Xia Hou hug you, there is no reason for me to hug you and pretend to be a chaste woman! He hugged you Yes, I want to hug too!!"

Su Waiwai couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, the next moment, Su Fa had a hard time, and then separated Xia Hou and Su Waiwai with force.

The next moment, Su Wawai was hugged tightly by Su Fu again.

Su Waiwai only felt that these men were childish, and asked with a sneer, "Have you hugged enough?"

Su Fu shook his head: "No!"

"Do you think it's not enough to hug? To be fair, should I sleep with each of you?!" Su Wai Wai asked again with a sneer.

All the men's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they replied in unison: "Yes!"

As soon as Su Fu finished speaking, Su Wai Wai hit him on the back with an elbow.

During the pain, he let go of Su Wai Wai, and Su Wai Wai looked at him coldly for a while: "Next time you dare to get close to me without my consent, I will be you!"

"It'll be fine if there's another time." Su Fu replied with a bad mood, frowning.

"Yeah, it would be great if there was a next time?" Ye Qing answered from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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