Chapter 1600 The Deserted God Realm

The Goddess looked astonished, and her expression disappointed the Su family.I thought it was such an honor to go to the God Realm, but I couldn't even find a welcome person in line, so what's the point?
"That's not interesting, it's better to be a fairy. Master, why don't we go back to the fairy world?" Xiao San asked Su crookedly.

"How many people want to cultivate the gods but can't get in? Besides, it's not your turn to say no. You can't stay in the fairy world if you cultivate the gods." The goddess replied calmly.

"This person has a really bad attitude." Xiaoqing lowered her voice, feeling that the eyes of these so-called goddesses were all on top of their heads.

Thinking about how popular their Su family was in the human world, even when they were just little spirit beasts, they were also sought after by the common people. This is not yet in the god world, these people have this kind of attitude.

"He is joking with us, you take it seriously, you really have no sense of humor. Hurry up, hurry up to the God Realm, and let us see what the God Realm looks like." Su Waiwai didn't take it seriously, thinking that these goddesses were just They were joking, but the two of them took it seriously, they were stupid.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan stopped talking, but actually they didn't hold much hope in their hearts.

They went up all the way until they reached the gate of the temple where the mist was misty.

"Wow, what a strong immortal energy!" said the little Qing bumpkin, rushing through the gate of the temple first.

At first, he still had some expectations, looking forward to being greeted by beautiful women, but when he saw that there was no one in front of the temple gate, he was unhappy.

Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer's hand and arrived at the gate of the temple. Except for the fairy fog, it was deserted, not lively at all.

"Excuse me, how many gods are there in the God Realm?" Su Waiwai grabbed the goddess and asked.

The Goddess looked at Su Waiwai's "irregular" hand, and Su Waiwai withdrew her hand under the Goddess' stare, thinking that this woman had no sense of humor and would not even be touched by others, and her attitude was very bad.

"No one has counted, but there are many. You have already reached the God Realm, and you will have to walk the next road by yourself, and there will be a period later." After the goddess finished speaking, she led a group of goddesses to escape.

"Hey, wait, you guys haven't told us where we're going to live yet." Su Wai Wai caught up to ask what happened, but the other party was very fast, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Su Waiwai looked at the empty temple door, and was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Master, where are we going now?" Xiaosan went to Zhi Suwaiwai and asked.

Suddenly, I felt that it was better to be in Xiuxianmen. There are all acquaintances and good people there. In the God Realm, the goddess is very indifferent, and I can't even meet a passing god.

"I don't know either, let's watch as we go." Su Waiwai turned her head and glanced at the handsome men who were gloating about their misfortunes. When she saw a smile flashing in Baili Liancheng's eyes, she rushed to him and said angrily, "Yes. Is it so funny?!"

Baili Liancheng tried his best to suppress a smile and replied: "I think the human world is more suitable for you. You like lively, but the god world is too deserted."

Su Wai Wai crawled too fast, which was not a good thing for Su Wai Wai.

"As long as I want, anywhere is suitable for me." Su Waiwai didn't care, and walked in the front with a soft snort.

There is no one to lead the way. At worst, she explores the way by herself. There is no home here. At worst, she can build another home.

When Su Waiwai walked to a remote street, her footsteps stopped, and she murmured, "Why is this place similar to the Human World?" There is even an inn, what kind of international joke are you talking about? !

(End of this chapter)

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