Chapter 1604 The lowest level of cultivation in the God Realm
"Isn't it? I still need to practice?!" Hearing these words, Su Waiwai's small face suddenly wrinkled into a ball, turning into a bitter gourd shape.

They finally succeeded in ascension, but now they tell her that they will not have a good life in the God Realm. If they knew this, it would be better not to ascension to be at ease. Fortunately, she offended the four beauties for refining alchemy.

Seeing Su Waiwai's tangled expression, the man couldn't help but smile: "Looking at the entire God Realm, there is no doubt that your cultivation is the lowest—"

"Joke, who said that our cultivation base is the lowest? I don't believe that we are the worst among all people!!" Su Waiwai interrupted the man's words, and replied displeased.

All of their family members are extremely capable, and they can't be the worst!
"Why don't you just find one in the inn, and you will know whether what I said is true. Not everyone can become a god in the god realm. Those who eat are all from the lowest level of the God Realm, and you, Suwaiwai, are definitely the worst one, that is, the sub-people of the God Realm, you can't even be called a sub-god!" The man replied firmly, what he said Let Su Waiwai's heart cool down to the bottom.

Su Wai Wai opened her mouth, and wanted to refute again, but when she thought that she couldn't even enter her own Last Dream Space, she was immediately discouraged.

"Way, this brother is right. No matter in which of the six realms, there are distinctions between the superior and the inferior, as well as the strong and the weak. You are the strongest in the human realm, but it doesn't mean that you have arrived. God Realm still needs wind and rain. How about this, follow me to Huangquan, let's be the biggest, not such a small goddess!" Ye Qing took the opportunity to lobby again, thinking that this is a good opportunity.

Su Wai Wai tensed her face, her face was full of unhappiness.

She also wanted to go back, but it was embarrassing to go back like this. Everyone thought that she would not be able to survive in the God Realm and was knocked out of the mortal world.

"Master, why don't we go back." Xiaosan gently tugged at Su's crooked sleeves, not liking this so-called God Realm at all.

"Do we want people to laugh at us when we go back?" Su Wai Wai shook off Xiao San's hand.

Xiaosan stood beside Su Wai Wai aggrievedly: "Isn't it the master himself who is unhappy? It's not that I made the master unhappy, so why are you angry at me?"

"Little San, don't say a few words, don't you see that my mother is angry?" Su Xiaoer said and pulled Xiaosan away, and he went to Su Waiwai and said: "Mother, we are not going anywhere, we are in the God Realm. We must create a world. Since we can cultivate to the God Realm in less than 200 years, we can naturally establish our family's prestige in the God Realm in a shorter time!"

Hearing this, Su Waiwai picked up Su Xiaoer and took a sip on his little face: "My son is still sensible. Well, let's not go. It's just cultivation, it's not a big deal."

"Master, mother, I'm a little confused. Since this is the God Realm, could it be that there are ghosts and goblins here?" Xiaoqing was silent for a long time, asking her question.

In the past, it was fighting monsters and upgrading in the human world, so it is impossible to fight monsters and upgrade in the God Realm, right?

"There are many unexpanded territories in the God Realm, and there are many miraculous monsters in the mysterious territories. If you can subdue them, it will be a merit. As for the others, I don't need you. The little guy looks like a god, what does he have to do with a god?" Is it related?" The man got to the point without any trace.

It was precisely because Su Xiaoer looked familiar, and he quickly remembered that he was very similar to the god, so he went out of his way to help Su's family.

(End of this chapter)

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