Chapter 1619 Dove Occupies Nestle

The river lion is in a dilemma and doesn't know what to do.Besides, no one eats meat here, so he doesn't know where to look for it.

"Stop pretending. You do all kinds of killing, let alone eating meat?" Xiao Qing interjected in a cool tone.

Hearing this, the river lion was startled: "How could I have killed anything?"

"You still said no? You just wanted to kill us before!!" Xiaoqing replied coldly.

If it weren't for the fact that their family members were not so easy to bully, they would be the ones who died now, let alone talking here.

"I, I didn't, you invaded my territory, I just wanted to drive you away, I didn't mean to kill you. I am in the God Realm, so naturally I have to abide by the rules of the God Realm, unless it is those monsters who have never entered the world, otherwise , No one in the God Realm dares to kill at will!" The river lion replied seriously. .

"It turns out that you are not a monster, so our fight is for nothing, and we have no way to improve our cultivation." Su Waiwai said, looking at the river lion and asking: "Aside from fighting monsters and upgrading, is there any other way?" Increase mana?"

"Of course there are. Find a good master and let him teach you how to practice. Or find a good secret book of cultivation and practice it yourself. In addition, you can also refine more elixir yourself. This is also a method. Maybe there will be another adventure , go to a good fairy land, improve your cultivation base..." He Shi said incessantly.

After Su Wai Wai summed it up, it was probably similar to the practice in the human world.

Her luck in the human world does not mean her luck in the god world is also good.Ever since she came to the God Realm, she suddenly felt that she was blocked everywhere and couldn't move an inch.

"Master, you can always think of a way, so don't be in a hurry. Let's stay here temporarily tonight and make plans tomorrow." Seeing that Su Waiwai was preoccupied, Xiaosan hurriedly comforted her.

Su Wai Wai nodded, no longer entangled.

The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, since she has nothing to do now, why should she bother herself?

At night, Su Waiwai took Su Xiaoer to a bedroom that could sleep.

He Shi was dumbfounded, and saw that Su's family each found the most comfortable place to lie down, and Su Waiwai's mother and son took his couch as their own.

It's a pity that he is the master of this family, and he can only eat and sleep outside.

The family members of the Su family are more terrifying than the previous beast kings. After all, the beast kings are stubborn, so they wouldn't run into other people's houses to play wild.On the other hand, the Su family took over his lair without asking for his master's opinion.

That night, the river lion was bitten by insects and mosquitoes all night, and did not sleep well at all.

The Su family members were in high spirits, made their own breakfast, and left his house after eating and drinking enough.

He Shi watched Su's family go away gratefully, hoping that they would never look back and never come back to harass him again.

Su Waiwai looked back at the river lion with tears in his eyes, and said cheerfully: "Look at his multiple emotions. We just left, and the river lion couldn't bear it anymore. He was about to cry. His feelings are so rich. Therefore, people should not be judged by appearances." , even river lions."

"That's right, the river lion is really a good lion, and it will definitely become a great weapon in the future." Xiaoqing echoed from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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