Chapter 1626 The power of the crooked, the light of the sword

Xiao Ba also saw the way, and then said: "The strength of a flying bird is not as strong as Xiao San, but the combined strength of so many flying birds is very terrifying, Xiao San can't hold it for too long."

"It's not just the flying bird at the front that is the main backbone, but the two wings have a main center line. We have to attack at the same time to disrupt their phalanx!" Su Waiwai thoughtfully, looking at the third child of Su's family, "Everyone Pick a position!"

"Mother, I'm playing the right wing!" Su Xiaoer was the first to come forward.

"Son, this is a fierce battle. It's not for fun. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you. You have to be careful, you know?" Su Wai Wai Wai Wai said softly.

Su Xiaoer is actually very capable, but it's just due to motherhood, she always feels that her children should live safely under her wings, instead of beating such a young child to death.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, mother takes care of herself, just don't let me save mother!" Su Xiaoer patted her chest and promised.

Su Wai Wai smiled: "I know what you are capable of, so be careful in what you do later."

"Understood." Su Xiaoer replied crisply.

"Master, I'm going to fight the left wing!" Xiaoqing accepted another task without hesitation.

"Okay, Xiaosan and I will join hands to beat them on the head." Su said, looking at Xiaoba: "Xiaoba, your cultivation base is the worst, so you are on the sidelines, if Xiaoqing is in danger, you can help Xiaoqing, Su If Xiaoer is in danger, you can help Su Xiaoer and respond at any time, you understand?"

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Balang replied in a loud voice.

Su Waiwai took a deep breath, and seeing everyone getting ready, she shouted softly, "Let's go!"

She flew up and stabbed Asuka's head with the fairy sword.Su Xiaoer, Xiao Qing and Xiao Ba also shot at the same time, attacking the two wings of the bird.

Unfortunately, their joining did not make Asuka flustered.

The wings of the flying bird are strong and indestructible, and every time one is assassinated, another one will make up for it.

"Master, it can't be done, each of them can be filled quickly, there are no loopholes in this phalanx!" Xiaoqing reported the enemy's situation to Su Wai Wai while killing Asuka.

Hearing the words, Su Wai Wai thought about it, and suddenly realized that his strategy was wrong.

"All three of you come here to help Xiao San, and leave the two wings to me!" Su Wai Wai shouted loudly.

Su's three pee came towards Asuka's head at the same time, and Su swayed to the giant bird's backcourt.

Su Wai Wai calmed down, and suddenly felt that he had infinite power in the God Realm Remains, and his body could fly freely. This place is not ordinary magic.

Her celestial energy circulated all over her body, until all the power was concentrated in the Peach Blossom Sword, she yelled angrily: "Huahua, kill all the flying birds with two wings, go!!"

The peach blossom sword instantly transformed into thousands of peach blossom daggers, attacking all the birds on the two wings.

At that moment, the blood was spreading, the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, wherever the Peach Blossom Sword went, there was constant wailing.The wings of the giant bird shortened inch by inch, until all the flying birds on the two wings were chopped off into the air by the peach blossom sword.

Such a scene is extremely frightening and the effect is astonishing.

The bird without two wings was causing trouble, Xiaosan felt much more at ease when dealing with the green-eyed bird...

(End of this chapter)

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