Chapter 1629
"My master asks you something, and you answer it honestly. Let me tell you, my master is very cruel and bloody. If you piss me off, she will definitely let you die!" Xiaosan added jealousy to the side, not believing that this dead thing is not true. Come on.

The green-eyed Asuka glared at Xiaosan, then at his big family behind him, and finally chose to compromise.

According to him, the God Realm is a place full of aura, so God chooses such a place as his living place.Human essence needs a good environment to nourish it. No matter how many people, immortals or gods have turbidity in their bodies, the turbidity they exhale will still reduce the environment of the gods.And a place like the God Realm Remains has been untouched for a long time, so it is naturally the best place to cultivate and live.

"Okay, let's stay here for a while before leaving." Su Waiwai quickly made a decision.

Instead of wandering around in the God Realm, plus there are many places they can't go to, it is God's will that they find a treasured place like the God Realm Remains to rest and recuperate by chance.

She likes to go with the sky, and she will be at ease when it comes.

"Master, do we really want to live in this place?" Xiaoqing hurriedly asked, not wanting to live in this ghostly place at all.

There is not even a person to talk to here, how hard is it to live like this?

"Of course, do I seem to be joking?" Su Waiwai said as he helped up the green-eyed bird that fell on the ground, and said with a smile: "Recently, we have been neighbors, and neighbors should take care of each other, peace Coexistence. Xiaosan now has no memories of the past, and his ability is not as great as before. When he learns to lift the seal, I will let him lift the seal of your family." Su Waiwai said and looked at Xiaosan.

Xiao San looked at the green-eyed Asuka upon hearing the words, this guy didn't seem to believe him at all.

"It's not that I don't lift your seal, it's that I have lost the memory of the past. Let's talk about it when I'm strong enough!" Xiaosan said and walked away.

Seeing this, Xiao Qing went to Su Wai Wai's side, and said in a low voice, "Master, did you find out that Xiao San has become more and more defiant since she knew that her abilities are getting better and better?"

"Yeah, I also found that you are more and more fond of picking on Xiaosan's thorns. Xiaoqing, you have to be tolerant. Xiaosan is indeed better than you. There is nothing to be jealous about. There are so many gods in the God Realm. Everyone is stronger than our Su family, if we all get jealous, wouldn't our life be very difficult?" Su Wai Wai said a lot of truth.

She talked for a full quarter of an hour before Xiaoqing was relieved.

Regardless of whether the Feidao family is willing or not, the Su family will live in the abandoned land.According to Su Waiwai, their Su family will live in seclusion here for a period of time to improve their cultivation.

The Su family is usually easy to get along with, but when they are looking for food, they all look like hungry wolves who have been hungry for several lifetimes, which makes them scream.

Then, their self-conscious temper is unbearable, they almost regard their home as their own, and come and go freely.

(End of this chapter)

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