Chapter 1631 Farming and breeding, self-reliance

Su's mother and son acted immediately and dug up wild vegetables.

The two mother and son were talking and laughing, while digging wild vegetables, having a great time.

Until they heard the sound of water, the two mother and son looked at each other, and then ran towards the direction of the sound of water at the same time.

They went down the slope, and when they saw a meandering stream, the two mother and son couldn't help hugging their heads and cheering.

If there is stream water, there may be fish and shrimp. If there is fish and shrimp, they can eat fresh fish...

Facts have proved that Suwaiwai's mother and son's idea is not unreasonable. They don't need to do it themselves, let the peach blossom sword come out, and they can easily pick up a lot of fish and shrimps.

"Look at what we caught." Su Waiwai just returned to his lair, and he couldn't wait to show it off to the other three children of Su's family.

The three beauties stepped forward at the same time, and when they saw the fish and shrimp wrapped in Su Xiaoer's robe, they all cheered up.

Xiao San volunteered to cook and cooked a delicious meal. This was the most satisfying time for the Su family since they entered the God Realm.

"This is what life needs to be enjoyable, and it's like living a life." Su Wai Wai burped loudly, expressing his sigh.

"That's right, this is what life is called. Master, which direction is the stream, I'll go catch some fish and shrimp." Xiaosan said as she jumped up, regaining her energy.

"That's true. Now that we have everything, we have to start all over again. Why don't we grow some vegetables and fruits ourselves, grow them ourselves, and be self-reliant." Su Wai Wai's beautiful eyes lit up, and she very much agreed with Xiao San's words.

At present, Su's family members work together and work together, Xiaoqing and Xiaosan go to the river to fish for fish and shrimp, Su Waiwai is responsible for digging wild vegetables, and Su Xiaoer and Xiaoba are responsible for cultivating vegetable fields and ponds.

The remnant land is a very good place to practice. They can make a home here while practicing.

The Su family was very busy, and the Asuka family was watching the fun, secretly thinking that this family is really self-conscious, and now they regard this place as their own home, and don't ask their opinions.

"Doesn't the boss care about it? If the Su family continues to quarrel, there will be no place for us in the future." The red-haired bird remonstrated to his boss.

"You can say it if you have the ability, but I don't have the ability." Green-eyed Asuka replied.

Everyone in the Su family can fight, and everyone is vicious, plus Xiaosan, the king of all beasts.Aside from past grievances and grudges, just a word from Beast King Xiaosan can make them bow their heads.

"Forget it, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything, this family can't be messed with." The red-haired bird replied immediately.

He was about to go back to rest, but Su Waiwai saw him with sharp eyes, and waved to him: "Little Honghong, come here, help me dig wild vegetables!!"

The red-haired bird's face turned green when he heard that.Look, what's wrong with the world, he's so tall and mighty, to call him Xiao Honghong, people who didn't know would think that Su Waiwai was calling him a brothel girl.

"I'm not called Xiao Honghong." The red-haired bird walked towards Su and clarified.

"Then call you Honghong, so kind. You are in charge of digging the wild vegetables here, and I am in charge of this side." Su Waiwai pointed at the little wild vegetables left here, and assigned tasks with a smile.
(End of this chapter)

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