Chapter 1633 Returning to the Space of Lost Dreams (2)

"Old Hei is here too!" Xiaoqing went to the edge of Lingquan Pool and greeted Old Hei.

Lao Hei was also very excited to see Xiao Qing, and flew out from the Lingquan Pool, splashing water on Xiao Qing's face.

Xiaoqing wiped her face in embarrassment, and almost didn't fight with Lao Hei.It took him a while before he suddenly remembered that he felt the coldness of the water just now. Does that mean that this is not a dream?
Thinking of this, Lao Hei rushed up to Xiao San and rewarded Xiao San with a slap.

Xiaosan was beaten for no reason, he slapped Xiaoqing with his backhand, not wanting Xiaoqing to be so happy to be beaten, he laughed like a lunatic.

"Is Xiaoqing crazy?" Xiaosan was confused and let go of her hand.

The rest of the Su family were also puzzled, and they all stared at Xiaoqing who was laughing wildly in a daze.

Su Waiwai was also attracted by Xiaoqing's laughter, she frowned and asked, "What's wrong with Xiaoqing?!"

"It's like this after being punched by Xiaosan." Xiaoba replied truthfully.

Su Waiwai looked at Xiaosan after hearing the words: "Why did you hit Xiaoqing so hard and beat Xiaoqing like this, so you will raise him in the future?"

Xiaosan looked embarrassed, and argued: "Xiaoqing hit me first, I just fought back, and it's not my fault. If you don't hit me like this, you deserve to be crazy."

"You're the lunatic." Xiaoqing smiled, unable to hide the smile on her face: "I'm just overjoyed that we can go back to the Last Dream Space again, and those who are unhappy are fools."

"We're just dreaming..." Xiaosan stopped talking, and he stroked his aching chest: "It hurts, so this proves it's not a dream?"

"I'm glad you're not completely stupid." Xiaoqing replied with a smile.

Su Waiwai went directly to the peach blossom tree, picked up the peach blossoms dancing like snow, and could feel its soft touch.This proved that they were not dreaming, they had indeed returned to the Space of the Last Dream.

"What's going on? Why are we suddenly able to return to Nomad Dream Space?!" As soon as Su Wai Wai finished speaking, the scene around her kept getting bigger and bigger.

Su Xiaoer nervously ran to Su Waiwai's side, and squeezed her hand tightly: "Mother, the Last Dream Space is so scary!"

Su Waiwai's hands were also sweating, and he didn't dare to move, watching helplessly as the Nocturnal Dream Space continued to deform, as if someone was pulling it with external force.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the turbulent Nomad Space calmed down.

Not long after, a few birds flew into the Space of Last Dream, and the Su family looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why the birds could enter the Space of Last Dream.

"Miss Su, what's going on? Why are there more houses for no reason?" Green-eyed Asuka asked curiously.

When he saw Lao Hei flying in the air, he was momentarily dumbfounded, thinking he was dazzled.

"Uh, what's going on?" Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer, Su Xiaoer's eyes lit up, and she said loudly: "Mother, I understand, they can only enter the Last Dream Space after it has been transformed into a real residence. "

"Has the Space of Last Dream turned into a real residence?" Su Waibu widened her beautiful eyes, feeling incredible.As soon as they woke up, this house turned into a real mansion, which is really miraculous.

(End of this chapter)

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